Storm chaser Tim Samaras died Friday doing the work that made him so well-known: following tornadoes. Pay special attention to what the weather forecaster says starting at 4:35: if you can drive south, anywhere around Whitewater Bay, State Fair Park, the Ballpark, downtown Oklahoma City, southwest Integres, US Grant District, Rose State college, Midwest City regional medical center, Midwest City, and Parts of Del city, you need to drive south now. (approximate transcript). Most new laws seem to be rehashes of existing laws that can be adapted. Well before Oklahoma's first thunderstorms fired up at late afternoon, the Storm Prediction Center in Norman was already forecasting a violent evening. Sheltering in place should always be recommended. It encouraged all, including the media and amateurs, to chase safely to avoid a repeat of Friday's deaths. Large, long-lasting thunderstorms known as supercells are responsible for producing the strongest tornadoes, along with large hail and other dangerous winds. The boy and other family members had sought shelter in a drainage ditch. The last time we had a tornado warning where I live (July 2008), several people who work in my building actually went outside to look; luckily, the tornado never came close to us, because it was the worst one in state history (it was an EF-3 that had a 50 mile ground track). Long story short, I and many others took cover in the hotel bathroom as the tornado headed straight toward us (to hit at 7:05). So in a free country, it is possible to do as you suggest. The chaser can be quite the problem but yet quite the provider of care in a situation where the emergency scene can span a few hundred yards to over a hundred miles. Obviously it's hindsight now that Tim and his crew were not caught up in any traffic jam and in fact the opposite. . Watch: Oklahoma is a severe convective weather 'bulls-eye' and always will be. What if we could clean them out? 'He was either washed off the road or tried to get out of his car. At the end of the day, he wanted to save lives and he gave the ultimate sacrifice for that," Jim Samaras said. According to Mr West, their vehicle looked ' like it had gone through a trash compactor' when it was found. Damage from Friday night's severe weather was concentrated a few miles north of Moore, the Oklahoma City suburb pounded by an EF5 tornado on May 20 that killed 24 people. Driving away several hours ahead of time is one thing, but this guy was telling people to drive at the same time he was saying the tornado was impending! Flash flooding accounted for some of the deaths, such as that of a 65-year-old man who died on Saturday when his car drove off a damaged bridge in eastern Oklahoma County. I think this tornado did some stuff we didn't expect. Storm Chasers Tim Samaras, Paul Samaras and Carl Young Killed in And, I've argued that telling people that the safest thing to do is to get in their car and drive is wrong. What is wind chill, and how does it affect your body? 'My car was actually lifted off the road and then set back down,' Ms Black said. Published: 23:27 GMT, 3 June 2013 | Updated: 08:30 GMT, 4 June 2013. I would like to see some repercussions for the idiotic weather personalities who suggested running away. Biography - A Short Wiki So, I think this particular weather caster did come up short in his responsibilities to provide good safety information but I'm not sure that his comments in and of themselves constituted explicit instructions to leave one's house, get in a car, and drive. They can't have this, because the traffic is a factor, but yes, Samaras and his crew were not killed this way. He also starred in the Discovery Channel series Storm Chasers. Say you are sitting in your home and you know there is a tornado coming and you are watching TV and the following breathless reporting is happening. I assume those are passed to make legislators feel good about their jobs. You do raise many good points about how such a law would be implemented, and some I can thing of answers to, some not so easily. Which, I think, was one of Greg's original points. The three had no chance, said Tim Samaras brother, Jim. I dont think they realize how lucky El Reno was.. Storm chasers killed: How did it happen? - This probe registered a world-record 100-millibar drop in pressure inside the twister. Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. The fact of the matter is, you just never know where they're going to hit. Why are you so quick to blame the TV and not the idiots living in the heart of tornado alley who chose to get in a car when they knew there were already tornadoes in the area? That is a real problem and has increased over time.

Storm chaser Tim Samaras died Friday doing the work that made him so well-known: following tornadoes. But what about big storms that dont drop tornadoes? It would have taken out everything. Many still believe mountains and rivers save towns. The roughly 5,000-year-old human remains were found in graves from the Yamnaya culture, and the discovery may partially explain their rapid expansion throughout Europe. The Samaras' and Young were pursuing an EF3 tornado as it bore down on a metropolitan area of more than 1 million people. It may be only a matter of seconds before you have time to find shelter. But if the Acme Office Building, on Main Street, is on fire, broken glass is blowing out of windows and fire trucks and other emergency vehicles are trying to gain access to the building and nearby fire hydrants you cant walk down Main Street you are not really free to walk or drive up and down Main Street to take pictures of the event. She quickly regretted it. I would say to such folks the same thing a fire chief would say to people who are not trained, qualified, or equipped to study burning office buildings but feel that somehow being close to one would help them provide insights about fire safety: "Move along, you're not helping but just getting in the way here. This story has been shared 160,448 times. The American Meteorological Society has released a preliminary version of its after-action report on the El Reno, Oklahoma, tornado, which killed noted storm chaser Tim Samaras, his son Paul and chase partner Carl Young. The traffic could have been created for any number of reasons. I made the decision to go home since I have a shelter, and i was able to leave work and be home close to 4pm. Tim Samaras dies: Tragic last words of father-and-son storm chasers The result, even in dry, acronym-heavy academic language, manages to serve as both an enlightening and horrifying account of storm chasing's worst day. Big blue trash cans were being tossed around like a piece of paper in the wind. The program, 'Mile Wide Tornado: Stormchasers Tribute,' will feature scenes of Tim Samaras, his son Paul and Mr Young. The Life And Death Of A Storm-chaser - YouTube Doppler imaging pegged the tornado's width at 2.5 miles, the widest ever documented. The Last Ride of Legendary Storm Chaser Tim Samaras Twistex Memorial dedicated to 3 killed in El Reno. In the future I will be blogging at Greg Laden's blog, located at its original home at It was over in just minutes, when we climbed the stairs half the house was gone but nearly all the houses on the street in back of us where gone! This in the super rare category because we dont deal with things like this often.. The interstate was shut down due to the storm, with multiple crashes and injuries. One simple idea was to have either a hard hat or some sort of hard shell helmet to wear. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin told CNN that motorists faced great danger when stuck on any freeway in the path of a twister. Samaras shows probes he uses to measure. 'We're scrambling around,' said Lara O'Leary, a spokeswoman for the local ambulance agency. It is not like the Tornadoes have a rule book that if we follow we are safe. 'They had no place to go, and that's always a bad thing. Samaras, a tornado scientist for over 25 years, founded and ran a scientific field research program dubbed TWISTEX (Tactical Weather Instrumented Sampling in Tornadoes EXperiment). I think that Tim Samaras knew what he was doing. The scene was eerily like that from last week, when blackened skies generated a top-of-the-scale EF5 storm with 210 mph winds. 'The trees were leaning literally to the ground. Officials added five victims on Monday to the confirmed list of dead from the tornadoes and from storms that caused severe flooding: three adults and two unidentified children, the medical examiner's office said. Vented to the atmosphere, it eventually makes its way to the exosphere and is light enough to escape to space. 'I started seeing power flashes to the north, and I said "screw this." I'll take my chances sheltering in place, thank you. Rather than wishing for the cops to block storm chasers from going to work or giving untrained hayseed sheriffs deputies the responsibility of predicting tornado behavior and rerouting traffic accordingly, maybe instead of getting stuck in traffic the next time an F5 rolls through town how's about using that time digging a nice cozy little family sized hole in their back yard and stocking it with a weather radio and a couple of 12 packs of whatever passes for beer in Oklahoma. I suggest that law makers in tornado alley states consider legislation making it a violation to intentionally drive into or near the path of known or likely tornados. independent local journalism in Dallas. A finite resource. Tim Samaras's Last Storm Videos | National Geographic He earned his Master of Science degree in atmospheric science from the University of Nevada. This would make it so a chaser has to stop to render aid along his path. In his writeup of this event, meteorologist Paul Douglas made this point: Every time I went down to Oklahoma [with storm chasers] I was struck by the number of people tagging along. The three storm chasers Tim Samaras, his photographer son Paul Samaras, and meteorologist Carl Young were killed when the twister they were pursuing made a sudden left turn and slammed into their car, sending it flying through the air like a toy. To make this point, here are photographs from major media of a handful of examples of cars that got hit with the vortex, most but not all from this latest tornado: I admit that a flattened house may look pretty bad, may even look worse than a mushed up car, but generally speaking the interior lower floor room in a house that is badly messed up by a tornado is a survivable shelter, while there is no such shelter in your car. Enough said. Enforcement is difficult, but not impossible. If you are worried about the roads being clogged during a tornado then don't drive or don't live in tornado alley. It still came down to the fact that you have to do what you feel is right (especially if it conflicts with what you are being told to do) and not just become a helpless lemming during an emergency. They did not discuss the details but I would suspect you would want a helmet that comes down to the jaw line, which sort of eliminates a lot of bicycle helmets, although likely the bike helmet is better than a bare head. I agree that telling people that the safest thing to do is to get in their car and drive is wrong. 'I'm not sure why people do that sort of stuff, but it is very dangerous. Become a member to support the independent voice of Dallas Your argument that talking about a way to address a situation in which people lose their lives is inappropriate because the situation is an emotional tragedy is actually the misguided reaction. They sheltered at St Anthony's Hospital which was only about 1/4 mile from where the tornado touched down. Before the horrific events of May 31, 2013, when the huge El Reno tornado took the lives of scientist Tim Samaras and his crew, a twister had never killed any chasers although several had died. Friday night's storm formed out on the prairie west of Oklahoma City, giving residents plenty of advance notice. Which Storm Chaser Killed Himself - BikeHike In fact, the general wisdom is that if you are unlucky enough to be in a car when a tornado hits, you should pull over, get OUT of the car, and find a low place to hide. Our hearts also go out to the Carl Young family as well as they are feeling the same feelings we are today. As you come closer to a cloud you don't get something smooth, but irregularities at a smaller scale." This is not an especially enforceable regulation but having such a thing on the books would probably encourage amateur storm chasers to think twice about putting others in danger by contributing to blocked roads. And if public safety is truly the issue at hand here then instead of telling people to get in their cars and trying to figure out some sane and responsible way to evacuate from the path of a tornado mandate better public and privet shelters in areas more prone to this kind of weather. We all see our own causes as noble don't we? Debris: This aerial photo shows damage in the Rolling Meadow Estates neighborhood on Friday in Broken Arrow, Okla. after a tornado had passed the area, Dangerous: Forecasters warned of a 'particularly dangerous situation,' with ominous language about strong tornadoes and hail the size of grapefruits 4 inches in diameter. Other professional meteorologists, from The Weather Channel, were injured. Not only are rubberneckers prohibited from fire danger areas, even people who live in the area are prohibited from access. A mans world? A storm chaser who heeded the bad feeling in his gut and decided to hang back that day told me the tornado was "designed to kill storm chasers." In fact, we probably need more professional storm chasers, and among storm chasers my feeling is that we need a better more comprehensive research design. Standing water was several feet deep, and in some places it looked more like a hurricane had passed through than a tornado. Contrast that, as bad as it was, with Dan Robinson's video from the El Reno, OK tornado that killed Tim Samaras, his son Paul and his long-time chase partner Carl Young. In fact, one could argue that a new law is not needed and this power is already available to police and emergency response agencies. We have many many laws that are more or less unenforceable. [sic] I look at it that he is in the 'big tornado in the sky'. The other victims' bodies were found half a mile to the east and half a mile to the west, Canadian County under-sheriff Chris West said. It seems to me that we should be collecting equivalent data from storms that do and storms that do not drop tornadoes, because, after all, one of the things we want to know more about is the difference between those two types of storms. Will Rogers World Airport was evacuated as Oklahoma City braced for the tornado, that was moving at 40mph. With all due respect, Mr. Laden's article suggesting outlawing or making storm chasing illegal and only permissible for the "authorities" is a typical misguided response after a emotional tragedy. We cannot separate it from other compounds on earth (like we can, say, hydrogen), we cannot combine other elements to manufacture it (like we can, say, gasoline). Now that would be an effective law. He did not say "don't get in your car" and he did not say "a car is a bad place to be, and if you find yourself in a car do this and that" which is what he should have said. Their deaths may not seem surprising; storm chasing, as you might expect, has its risks. Photographed with a wide angle lens, the mile-wide tornado, is seen near El Reno, Jack-knifed: Traffic slowly moves around a semi tractor-trailer that was blown off the highway by the tornado on Oklahoma Interstate-40, Stranded: Vehicles trapped by flash flooding sit underneath on the road in Oklahoma City after severe thunderstorms brought tornadoes, high winds, heavy rain and hail to the area. But, the idea of outrunning instead of staying home was on people's minds because of things that had been said earlier in various media. "

, The 'extreme cruelty' around the global trade in frog legs, What does cancer smell like? That is not my argument either, it is simply what all the experts say. The fact that they did so while committing a crime allows the system to hold their feet to the fire in a more meaningful way. Storm Chaser Timmer Reflects on Deadly Tornado There are some similarities to people doing volcano research, in that people doing it know they have a high risk of death if they happen to be on duty when the eruption occurs. Pete, Born: I think this is a difficult question. Mr. Robinson also had forward and side facing dash cams operating that day and the Twistex crew's Chevy is the only other vehicle visible in any direction on Reuter Rd for the last 15 or 20 minutes of the chase. BTW, here is Bart's Youtube channel: None of them contributes to the scientific research and experimentation going on. Amy Williamson, who lives just off I-40 in the western Oklahoma City suburb of Yukon, said when she heard the tornado was heading towards her home, she put her children, baby sitter and cats in her car and drove away. This one didn't. Tim Samaras dies: Tragic last words of father-and-son storm chasers That was the sound of nuance rushing by your libertarian ear. 2006-2020 Science 2.0. The Life and Death of Legendary Storm Chaser Tim Samaras Books The Man Who Caught the Storm Tim Samaras was a legendary storm chaser whose work informed what we know about tornadoes. Yes, lets get the facts straight, which the comments below and the information added here help do. That's two more vehicles going into the danger zone. There is only so much space to get away and so many roads to use, many in poor repair. I doubt that the new law would save lives. On the one hand, researchers have to pay the bills somehow, and this is one way to do it. So, that apparent fact was part of the underpinning of the original post (below). "Though we sometimes take it for granted, Tim's death is a stark reminder of the risks encountered regularly by the men and women who work for us.". Absolutely educate people on the safest way to ride out a storm. Oklahoma schools are not properly educated on how to shelter children. Tim Samaras - Bio, Personal Life, Family & Cause Of Death - CelebsAges On the other hand, it means they are intentionally bringing civilians into the danger zone, and these civilians don't always know how to react if the situation gets out of hand. The Death of Tim Samaras, Lightning Chaser | Discover Magazine Interestingly motorcycle helmets are cheaper than football helmets due to liability reasons. They should not drive where they will not be able to pull over safely to allow emergency traffic and other traffic to flow. This report indicates he's more right than he could have known. The newscaster's advice was appalling. Hoadley has been in the business for 57 years and pursued the El Reno twister. Storm Chaser Tim Samaras Dies; His Last Tornado Footage . This is an enormous loss for his family, his wide circle of friends and colleagues and National Geographic.'. I'm not saying these circumstances are sensible or humane, but they are the case nonetheless. He attempted to take his own life and spent several days in intensive care before ultimately succumbing to his injuries. This is not an especially enforceable regulation". They were killed near El Reno in an EF3 tornado with winds up to 165 mph that ripped through the Oklahoma City area during rush hour. One is that people may have been encouraged via chatter in a number of places to use "driving away" as their strategy for getting away from this particular tornado. Terry Garcia, executive vice president of the National Geographic Society, said: 'We were shocked and deeply saddened by the news that longtime National Geographic grantee Tim Samaras was killed in a tornado in Oklahoma on Friday, along with Tim's son Paul and their colleague Carl Young. I've looked at video and have counted 458 people outside their vehicles in that small strech of road. That might be preferable because making a new law to address particularistic new circumstances that are already covered by existing law, regulation, and best practice is probably a bad thing. They were just miles from the city of Moore, which was devastated by a massive tornado that killed 24 people on May 20. I think it's an abomination that news forecasters suggested people drive away that temporally close to a suspected tornado touchdown. I remember my wife telling me a few years ago about her retail stores tornado policy which was contrary to everything I knew about safety during a storm. The breathtakingly fast subvortex -- the tornado within a tornado -- is visible to the south in footage captured by fellow chaser Dan Robinson's rear dashboard cameras as he fled several hundred yards ahead of Samaras. Tim's death is a stark reminder of the risks encountered regularly by the men and women who work for us. Tim Samaras of Storm Chasers 5 7 (1.70 m) Born November 12, 1957 Lakewood, Colorado, USA Died May 31, 2013 El Reno, Oklahoma, USA (tornado) Spouse Kathy Samaras? Terrible things they are! Probably not. Regarding emotional tragedy and responding to the thing that caused the emotional strategy, no, you've got that wrong. It wasn't what I would consider a traffic jam under normal circumstances, but when you have a tornado coming straight at you those seconds are important. For example, most storm chasers are individuals or small teams, and they benefit with direct contacts with actual tornadoes, and often fund their work this way as they sell their video to news outlets. Also we MUST push for adqueate shelters. Police have a hard enough time now dealing with emergencies, the last thing they have time to do is stop to write tickets. 'I'm a seasoned tornado watcher but I just could not see staying and waiting for it to hit,' she said. Humans enjoy challenges that involve risk and admire those who "cheat death". Having a law about something means that society wants certain things to happen or not happen. Was El Reno a giant tornado populated with powerful subvortices? Oklahoma Highway Patrol Trooper Betsy Randolph heard the panicked voices of the crew over her patrol radio right before the storm turned into their car. Its a free country - youre obviously free to drive when and where you want, and I certainly dont want that to change, but something has to be done to avoid another tragedy like the one that killed 9 motorists Friday evening, including 3 professional tornado researchers Tim Samaras, his son, and intercept partner. But a law or explicit regulation, or even a well publicized set of best practices in the interest of public safety, might make the point that needs to be made, thus discouraging people from making decisions that endanger others. At the same time, many helpful comments have been added to the post. Three experienced tornado chasers actual meteorological scientists were killed when their truck (one of the vehicles depicted above, probably) was destroyed by the tornado. The forecast quality will always be better than for small-scale phenomena like tornadoes. 'It's not even close to anything like what we had last week,' Smith said. He gave direction to leave if in the path. It dumped around 8 inches of rain on Oklahoma City in the span of a few hours and made the tornado difficult to spot for motorists trying to beat it home. The new year once started in Marchhere's why, Jimmy Carter on the greatest challenges of the 21st century, This ancient Greek warship ruled the Mediterranean, How cosmic rays helped find a tunnel in Egypt's Great Pyramid, Who first rode horses? Writing new laws on the books is useless, even before the news agencies started this new trend which is disturbing you have people hiding under overpasses and pulling stupid stuff, Chasers have complained about this issue for years, notice numerous videos of truck drivers who even drive into the funnel, enforcement will be non existent because this puts law enforcement in a position of risk and is irresponsible, i agree with the tours, but again many people cannot afford the tours that are out there now and so they figure its cheaper to go it themselves, we can blame people for the groups death but the fact is that there were several unusual factors that caused this. The police can close off that street and nearby streets and as annoying or inconvenient as that may be, they are not taking away your rights. Police urged motorists to leave the crosstown Interstate 40 and seek a safe place. Making a law which makes it illegal to chase storms will make it practically impossible to get enough data to understand tornadoes. Note the comments that 22% of the fatalities at Tuscalousa were head injuries and in general a majority of tornado fatalities where head injuries. I also heard mention of a storm chaser who, attempting a U-turn to avoid a flooded stretch of road, went off a hidden embankment and was lucky to avoid drowning. William Wehrum is a lawyer and once, apparently, worked for the EPA. Would one less car have been on that particular road had your proposed law been in place? Stop having idiots chase things. It is also true that the relatively cautious drop and run strategy meant that they missed getting their equipment in the direct path of a tornado more often than not. The other hit Moore, a city about 25 miles away from El Reno, on May 20, killing 24 people and causing widespread damage. - May 31, 2013 (his death) Other works book: "Tornado Hunter: Getting Inside the Most Violent Storms on Earth". They went in the field focused on collecting data to enable meteorologists to further the science behind tornadoes which we know has and will help to save countless lives. I've always been told never to try and outrun a tornado, it is one of the most dangerous things you can do. Join the Observer community and help support Scientists just confirmed a 30-foot void first detected inside the monument years ago. Take note at 3:09 - that's the edge of the tornado visible in the right side of the frame as it grows to nearly 2.6 miles across - the largest ever recorded. Were looking at extremes in the rare EF5 category. Friday night's victims included a mother and a baby sucked out of their car as the EF3 hit near El Reno. 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