Negativity really must be avoided because Saturn can materialize Neptunes illusions or delusions. Uranus is freedom to be in the current second. During this period you have a heightened sensitivity to everything around you at times an almost mystical sense of oneness or communion. subscribers . to suggest another persons mental beliefs and delusions that go with them will do anything but add to any pot of stewing confusion, as any and all beliefs do. Neptune Transits Square Ascendant We don't collect your IP address. I have not researched Saturn conjunct Neptune transit yet. Neptune was conjunct natal Saturn 11th Sag. Objectives that you seek may no longer have a clear definition causing uncertainty as to their importance. Uranus electrifies Saturn to be excited and . As you become increasingly disoriented . Knowing what anyone believes will help me move from confusion to enlighternment??? You are likely to feel that your current employment involves too many compromises. Positions of authority can erode during this cycle, especially when there exists a lack of respect. This article is not about what you are experiencing. You simply let it in. You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions. Older folks born between September 1952 and October 1953 have this difficult aspect. All this to say perhaps you should watch the movie? You are opening psychically at this time and its very important to do it in a balanced way, and in a positive, supportive, or at least non-threatening atmosphere. Saturn Transits to Neptune. If involved in a love relationship, the cruder, less refined, and overly practical or mundane elements of your relationship that you once accepted now become glaring and hard to stomach. *Your approach to your work and career is highly imaginative at this time, and you come up with interesting, creative ideas. Saturn conjunct Neptune is a major planetary aspect occurring every 36.4 years. Adjustments you make now can facilitate smoother functioning for the long run while easing things back into place. Hope my reflection helps anyone going through a similar transit! Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit, New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings. The Positive Side of Transit Saturn conjunct Neptune. Recognizing that you need more on a spiritual level can help you handle the transit more constructively. You may enjoy the fruits of past labor or good deeds. You may have fear and doubts over how you are managing your life. You may work to improve the lives of the people around you. You are more attuned to the world of beauty, the arts, and the imagination. Others will be lured to you and your work, marveling at the finely calibrated coordination, detail, and intricacy you likely manifest. Take advantage of this current energy for creative organization. And transiting Saturn acts in very different ways to transiting Neptune. Transit Saturn not only conjuncts natal Mars but that Mars is conjunct Chiron. Saturn ingress Pisces, long awaited reprieve from people stressed by its dignity. But youre given patience. I think it could be very boring and passionless. Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres - The Dark Pixie Astrology Use well-grounded and trusted friends or advisors to get a perspective on your thoughts and experiences now. Hello E, I thought Id tell you my story of this transit. Your values are shifting during the course of this long-term transit. 23/08/2021 Jessica Davidson. The body itself is sensitive, and you must be cautious with drugs. Creativity runs high now. You are likely to feel very frustrated and disheartened at times, but dont completely lose faith and throw everything out the window! . Your speech may slow down, as a reflection of your increased sensitivity to the world around you. Furthermore, honesty and respect will make sure you reach your full potential. You can make significant discoveries regarding the meaning of your life. You may also find yourself feeling the need to approach others about the way they express themselves and treat others. Walk a careful line when it comes to dreams versus realities. There's always a silver lining in every situation. At its best, this transit can produce enlightenment or a truly spiritual path. So, you must be a relentless and even fearless experimenter, building up a sort of vocabulary to define and create more of what you envision. You seek out more expansive, magical, spiritual, and rousing experiences. You see the very best in people now, and this eases your interactions and takes the pressure off in personal relationships. Significance. 11 Year Anniversary. . .Anywho, had to say. This slow-moving planets transits are long-lasting, and each transit takes its time to unfold. Your dreams and hopes may begin to materialize, and you can find true spiritual contentment without relying on material needs. You are in tune and pick up far more from your environment than usual. Transit Neptune in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. There is a strong desire for peace and harmony, and perhaps some sense that you have to make sacrifices for that end. Your are more hopeful and faithful. Hidden factors can interfere with your work. Yet, with patience, you're capable of creating great wonders. This time of year can be sad, but it doesn't have to be. Today, I'm going to discuss the next aspect to occur: transiting Neptune conjunct natal Chiron. This is an excellent time to travel or go on vacation. You may gloss over important details and practical concerns in favor of idealistic visions and perceptions. Neptune currently transiting Pisces since February 2012, its been 11 years and now Saturn shows up in Pisces. You may suffer insecurity and anxiety for no apparent reason. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Saturn: During this time you are likely to question every single aspect of reality. transit Neptune sesquisquare natal Saturn. It teaches you that your existence does not depend on maintaining those. You simply know what you really need, and you have a good sense of priorities. You might miss out on opportunities because of this approach to life. 14/04/2017 Jessica Davidson. This transit may take away any possessions, well-being or physical conditions that are blocking your search for spiritual meaning in your life. 29 years ago, last time Saturn ingress Pisces for good, lots of things happened in 1994. You may behave in an impractical manner, or you may be vulnerable to deception or betrayal from others. These transits also affect your urge to acquire new material goods and your finances in general. Others may complain that you are not sincere with them, you are too domineering or passive, or unfair in some respect. . You are more imaginative now, and easily swayed by the opinions of others. Neptune Transits Trine Midheaven This can be a depressing time, but it does not have to be. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp for areas of your life where Neptune is acting to refine. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. In your confusion, you will not be able to distinguish between what is real and what is not. You may be overlooking important details when it comes to money, and neglect of material concerns could impact your life now. For example, I've been daydreaming a lot about the future but I have a fear that if I do that I'll hate my present. For example, you might throw yourself into a new romance that others warn you is not realistic. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. Pessimism can get out of control; you should do your best to avoid this. Tonight, by hazard, I found and watched that movie again, and was flooded with memories, and the recognition of the importance of that time. . [Extra dimensions, CERN]. Neptune Transits Trine Saturn Violence, abuse, insecurity, failures, criticism, anxiety, physical danger came out of it and still here many years later. Neptune Transits The Crises of Disconnectedness - Lynn Koiner Your dream life is richer than usual, and your imagination is boundless. Natal Saturn conjunct Chiron can indicate a rigid personality. Saturn Conjunct Neptune Transit - AstroTransits It will help you to pursue a dream that will last forever. Imagine a positive future, and it will manifest. Slow down. *Some adjustments in the way you express yourself and treat others are required now. There is a strong tendency to exaggerate and put on a front to impress others and gain the advancement that you seek. *You are more concerned with bringing high ideals and noble purposes into your life now than you are with gaining personal recognition or personal gain. Transit Neptune Conjunct Saturn, Personalized Astrology reports and Your dreams are likely to become more vivid, and you can be quite susceptible to mood swings. Thank you so much for your writing on this as Neptune is exact conjunct my natal Saturn at 24 degrees its spot on. November 4, 1952 same aspects. By honestly assessing your strengths and weaknesses, you likely will notice what needs work. Your self-image is being re-worked, and you are becoming more sensitive to a greater, perhaps more spiritual, sense of purpose. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. What does Mercury rule in your chart? . You are responsive to all things pleasurable, possibly to the point of carelessness or laziness when it comes to tending to practical affairs. Discovering that some of your perceptions of the world are in fact wrong can cause disappointment and anxiety. To be itself and act as what it want to be in the current situation. For Entertainment purposes only. Dream Big, Work Hard (J. J. Watt 052). Because even with a normal childhood, you will likely struggle with fear, insecurity, negativity, loss, and disappointment. You are more sensitive than ever to emotional stimulus at this time, as your love and pleasure nature is heightened, open, and perhaps vulnerable to influence. What you thought was safe and secure relationships, possessions, employment or general structures and patterns in your life may dissolve away, leaving you feeling anxious and depressed. *You are in a generous and tolerant mood during this time period. You may be set up for a fall or disgrace. Your attitude is a hopeful, faithful one during this period. Try not to borrow from your future, not just with regards to finances, but also when it comes to emotional matters. There could be big changes in your life and society as a whole. This is a good time for writing fiction and any undertaking that requires imagination. . This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. Tendencies toward addictions and dependencies increase. . Everything seems less solid and definite. Force yourself to consider practical matters, even though you may resist it, while opening your heart to new possibilities. Neptune transits conjunct Mercury Your thinking process becomes more animated, imaginative, and spirited during this transit. Because of your increased sympathetic awareness of others unspoken feelings and states of being, you feel more compassion and a greater desire to assist them. Saturn represents the structures and limitations of your life, and what you need to do in order to be true to yourself and build the life you want. . There can be a lot of sadness as this transit can stimulate a deep yearning for something more than just ordinary life. The spirit world seems real and possible. Interpretations are written by Cafe Astrologys Annie Heese, except those marked with *, which are samples from the Daily Forecast report. Look for Leo in your natal chart, as the Sun rules Leo, and this is an area of life that will be directly affected by the transit (in addition to the house where the transit actually takes place). Neptune Transits Opposition Midheaven You can be extra sensitive and impressionable during this transit. Sometimes this period brings unwanted relaxation of stable conditions where you seem to have no choice but to let go. I know our struggles with getting on the same page are not all my fault because I found myself caught in the middle of relationship dynamics but this transit illuminates how the lack of clarity in my life is really sourcing from within me (or from Neptunes influence). And even now, if you can see, using even this way I am relating to this fog of emorphous info, (to my mind), instead iof being spun by it, I see clearly, and try to make clarity around me, when those around me, strangers, are a bit confuzed, bringing in slightly tilted perspectives, or at least com on those perspectives that makes them seem tilted. You can accept reality and youre not pessimistic. You may take up, or renew, an interest in the psychic or divining arts. . In fact, this can feel very much like emotional commotion until you accept that the essential purpose of this transit is to open up your feelings in order for you to ultimately become more compassionate, emotionally aware, and devoted. The senses are dramatically heightened in general, although attention to detail may be lacking. You might feel confused and anxious for the lack of a solid inner stability and you might see things worse than they actually are. Perhaps we could describe it as a dimension of life that cannot be experienced by our five senses and we can only understand and perceive it . Old concepts are dissolving. With this reading you receive. If you are secure in your limitations and have been responsible, honest, and fair in your dealings, this can be a satisfying time of life. Then you will stop worrying about the future and trust that everything will be okay because you will make it okay. Possessions are not that important to you, and you are willing to sacrifice personal needs for your beliefs and help others. . Rather than focusing on the strictly personally rewarding aspects of your efforts (for example, your income, amount of vacation time, and other amenities), you are more sensitive to the value of your service as a contribution to society. At the very least, you have your finger on the pulse of what others want to hear and learn. Chiron orbits the Sun between Saturn and Uranus. As the transit progresses, and certainly by the time it is over, we should have a more refined understanding in the affected areas of lives. At this time, a higher purpose to your life is what you seek, and you rely more heavily upon your intuition in order to achieve it. Loosening of what is rigid can occur, and you can initiate steps to bring greater flexibility to whatever you hold on too tightly. You may encounter mysterious, confused, unusual, or spiritual experiences surrounding Mercury-ruled people and things (such as siblings, neighbors, travel, studies, and so forth) during this time. Your opinions of the world change, causing great disorientation and confusion. The artist Georges Braque (006) said: Truth exists, only falsehood has to be invented. You will only gain confidence and self-respect when you face reality and stop deceiving yourself and others. Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit - Astrology King Neptune transits conjunct Mars Although your focus may be compromised and physical energy scattered, there is a strong potential for you to improve your intuition and magnetic powers. Bob Marks says thst during this transit, he came into full light as an astrologer, and he to my mind is a great elucidator of the emorphous, who is also, as it seems I am, posed at this transit to bring clarity, find clarity and bring it to a world living amorphoudsly in the mists of neptunes transiting. Some measure of caution is advised. . Transit Saturn Conjunct Neptune - Seraphic Siren And mercury was conjunct my natal Moon/Uranus conjunction in 8th Leo. Force yourself to consider practical matters, even though you may resist it, while opening your heart to new possibilities. Saturn conjunct Neptune, Aries Point. Neptune Conjunct Saturn Transit - AstroTransits When you have natal Neptune conjunct ascendant, you can be what people call, constantly away with the fairies; however, if you have Neptune in Capricorn or Saturn in your 1 st house also, or conjuncts from Saturn, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo to your Neptune conjunct ascendant. The Artwork should be so lucky. Increased sensitivity and openness to subtle and spiritual realities and spiritual guidance. You may be susceptible to deception, fraud, and other unethical treatment. You do not feel very confident. Neptune Transits Opposition Saturn The transit of Neptune opposite your natal Saturn is a very significant transit, although it may not feel very pleasant. Transit Neptune Conjunct Natal Saturn ~ New Reality - AstroMatrix The resulting fear and loss of self-confidence can then make you feel disoriented for no clear reason. You are easily charmed, and you must watch for a tendency to see what you want to see in romantic partners, rather than for who or what they are. Often this transit coincides with a great disappointment that leads to disillusionment, self doubt and lack of self confidence. This is in stark contrast to Saturns transits, which re-connect us to the tangible, material world. I have not been able to define my role within a nonprofit Ive volunteered with for 4 years. Force yourself to consider practical matters, even though you may resist it, while opening your heart to new possibilities. Thats Neptune, the planet of consciousness itself. In the areas of your life affected by this transit, you've been working to establish a solid base of security. Through this trial and error, you'll prune away dead-ends, false starts, and wildly idealistic notions. If the Sun is involved, we dont know where we are heading and we have a hard time defining what we want and where we want to go. Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit: New Stability - HoroscopeJoy In fact, the outer world has become so pressing in its demands that youve partly lost contact with the inner one. Transit Saturn conjunct natal Ceres can make it important for you to learn lessons around resources, money, and support. But Saturn enters Pisces on 3-7-23, thats in about 3 weeks, Neptune already there since 2011. . Neptune Transits Square Midheaven . At a less esoteric level, the best way to handle this strange phase of life is reduce stress level by surrounding yourself with familiar people and situations that make you feel comfortable and secure. The best way to avoid such things is to be strictly moral and ethical in your behavior. Lmao!! You can be emotionally restless, but what it is you actually want is hard to pinpoint. Some of you might feel that youve lost your edge, or will to fight and take action. This communication was recorded and has been published as a book this year with another one pending. Such steps can produce long-term results. Try not to borrow from your future, not just with regards to finances. You might make embarrassing errors, neglect important details, or you could carry some delusions now. . Georges Braque 006, David Gest 012, Tyga 024, David Berkowitz 024, Lucy Hale 025, Tony Blair 026, Buddy Rose 028, Peaches Geldof 031, John Edwards 032, Xi Jinping 034, Cyndi Lauper 034, Alden Ehrenreich 037, Elizabeth Olsen 050, Hulk Hogan 054, J. J. Watt 052, Riley Keough 100, Kathy Lee Gifford 112, Roseanne 123, Chris Brown 132, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 135, Charles II of England 135, Stephen Paddock 142. What will it look like? Your ability to discriminate is compromised, simply because Neptunes energy lacks definition and boundaries. This conjunction is not easy to deal with. Saturn catching up to Neptune. You;re one of the few go-tos for me, but this is so off. The need to get away from it all for some peace and quiet now and again will be strong. Shed left a message that she was at a rural, spiritual community for Xmas (the last thing I would have expected), and I was welcome to join them for Xmas day. Look to planets in Gemini and Virgo in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with spirituality and sensitivity. *A shift in moods and attitudes occurs at this time that will continue to affect you deeply for many years to come. Transiting Neptune Aspects. You are more tolerant of others and less pushy. I may be too hopeful for a good ending to my friendships here, but I have to believe the lesson that is being illuminated here is possible to seize and level up from regardless of how they feel about me. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. You might find yourself losing your resolve or determination to take care of business and get things accomplished. Your writing and/or speech may become more poetic. You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions, to being swayed, and perhaps to being misled. It is a time when you realize the world . If lord of the 6th, a chronic illness may leave you vulnerable. Simultaneously this Saturn squares Tau Sun in 8. Its not the best time to lend out money, to sweep material concerns under the carpet, to buy on credit, or to avoid paying attention to bank/tax matters. If you cannot help yourself, seek medical help, especially if you suffer from anxiety or depression. +Problems could lose some of their definition and appear less difficult now. The current cycle began in 1989 and the next one starts with the conjunction in 2025 - 2026. If you write or speak for a living, this is an especially beneficial time when you are able to infuse imagination and animation into your communications. As Nep passes my natal Saturn, I am sorting wheat from chaff like a demon, s it comes into my field of view. Related Topics Astrology Spirituality Religion and Spirituality comments . The resulting fear and loss of self-confidence can then make you feel disoriented for no clear reason. You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions, to being swayed, and perhaps misled. Aspects In Astrology : Sextiles,Squares & the rest . You can make practical changes to reach a higher and more spiritual reality. Hows that? Neptune transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. A general description of transiting Neptune excerpt from the Sky Log report: The planet Neptune is presently tinting and shading your biography, adding its dreamlike quality to the existential stew. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. There can be a lot of sadness as this transit can stimulate a deep yearning for something more than just ordinary life. If lord of the 11th, your social circle will probably widen now as you come into contact with many different kinds of people you wouldn't have before. . . This description applies for any of these transits: The transit of Neptune square Natal Saturn affects you in a psychological way. The pleasures of life are experienced fully. Fear is also a common problem at this time, especially irrational fear with no obvious basis. You are in touch with your more sensitive, spiritual qualities, and you are able to express a greater level of sensitivity and greater empathy than usual. On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. Others give you ideal support. Your mind probably wont be seeing things clearly, as they are. The next conjunction is in 2026. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! Things are becoming clear, not emprphous. Only you will know how much hard work went into making your efforts look effortless. But this is not healthy and leaves you susceptible to abuse. You are more idealistic than usual, which can cause a few problems if youre not careful. You find yourself especially idealistic, romantic, and charming. This transit breaks and dissolves opinions and possessions with which you have identified previously. Saturn represents the reality that we perceive due to our agnoia, but Neptune represents a different level of reality where paradoxes are common. *Be very careful and circumspect about any new relationship that forms now. Neptune conjunct Saturn transit is potentially depressing and confusing but also highly enlightening. This aspect softens your disposition somewhat, as you tune into your imaginative and artistic side. Natal moon is widely conjunct as well. When transit Saturn is conjunct your natal Neptune, you have very negative mood swings, with confusion, uncertainty, and doubts about how to structure your life from now on.