And I'm like, I'm not going to get naked before, like a conference. But, you know, it's like you can't read the comments. So that I intravenous vitamin C, I think it had to be 12 and it should be twelve shots give you an awesome little boost. Because he said his body is going to stop working because it's it's going to let the ventilator do the breathing for him and it's going to give up. There's a direct formula to between the percentage of humidity and then the increased temperature, the way it feels like if it's at one eighty, but you have ten percent humidity, it's like feels like there is I don't know what that formula is. Yeah. It's been shown to people. The only topic off limits is politics. That's awesome. Next the song is kind of useless. So I came across this xylitol toothpaste and say, well, this is my little toothpaste. I can't remember the name. It's like the best way to get to that. Yeah, it's the ideas. Well, it's just they say things that they don't really know what the fuck they're talking about. She explained that 1,000 IU of vitamin D can raise blood levels around 5-10 ng/mL, depending on a . I mentioned I'm drinking my vitamin C water. Like, children are really good at that. Or if you if you really want to, you could wear a towel like if you were modest or whatever, because to them it's like, oh no big deal. I don't remember what it was. Dr. Rhonda Patrick ( @foundmyfitness) is a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and the founder of Found My Fitness Host: Joe Rogan ( @joerogan ) Immune System Function and Relationship to SARS-CoV-2 What can you do to strengthen immune system? But scroll back up to the to the main home. Like it's not the same at all as before that was known. The water much work like ice. That means you get more blood flow. Vitamin D is different than vitamin C because it is fat-soluble and can be stored by the body. And I would get out and I would go out to the mats out there and just collapse. Yeah. Yeah. It was Nuru. We know that elderly people are more prone to a severe form, but it just made me think, what if this you know, previous previous viral exposure to something like CMB is is kind of like also kind of shaping people's immune responses in some way? The Joe Rogan Experience #1178 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick. So I need to, I just can't, I can't ever let it go. OK, so it's so the Xyloto you need to get on it. And elderly people are more zinc deficiencies not really common in the U.S. I'll have one sent to you. It might be coming out. Right. You go in. Pretty sure your title is a little bit on the spectrum. Joe Rogan achieves total physical perfection Multivitamin Fish Oil Vitamin D Vitamin B Complex Intravenous Vitamin Drip Quercetin Creatine Protein Greens Supplements Probiotics Pre-Workout Nootropics Mood & Stress Support Glucosamine & Chondroitin Electrolytes CBD Tincture Anti-Aging Exogenous Ketones Joe Rogan achieves total physical perfection I'll show how it works before. It's wintertime. Oh, I've done it. What does that thing called Jimmy belt squat belt squat. Yeah. I don't know if they did. It happened more than once. I got a swimsuit on and then, OK, the yoga was bad. Yeah. Podcast Notes isnot associated or affiliated with the source podcast (unless otherwise stated). They showed it was hedgehog proteins. Blood tests ensure the vitamin D level remains in the healthy range. So we went to hospital. I got a lot of work to do. It's like they're concerned, I mean, about that and completely trying to, like, figure that all out. Did no. Yeah I have, I have. Vitamin D reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. I was pregnant. Did it? OK, right. Doesn't the sun doesn't penetrate. I mean, these things also affect the immune system, which is also very relevant, both cold and bright and hot. So it's basically whatever the standard of care is. But the whole the thing that I just think that I would like to see more research and I'm just hoping, you know, that that CDC and other people are investigating these these other the cross community. You just I couldn't come to an answer. Everyone's on the routine. It's associated with high blood pressure, heart attacks, the risk of all sorts of ailments. This means the world population is on the edge of full deficiency. Yes, that's the best way to get it. Not in groups. All kinds of interesting. What is a. Yeah. I really loved it. They built a business. You take three grams, you get it to 220. So people that were like deficient, they were 50 percent less likely to have a respiratory tract infection if they were taking the vitamin D supplement over 50 percent, actually. I love it. So, I mean, that's. Right. Totally. They cut a hole in the leg and then get the party. And at that point I, I was like looking through everything on my toiletries and everything, like, what do I have to get rid of what's in there that could be harmful and smells like fluoride like in my toothpaste. You know, who wants to wear a mask, but maybe to open up the. Scroll down. At the same time, it's also acting as an antioxidant for for your own neutrophils. But the machine that we have is a little bit more complicated, but the point is this guy comes are there any pictures of females doing only guerrilla's big giant dudes? They either increase or decrease it a lot of times with like hormones, you know, vitamins, things like that. So it usually that's usually what it's just doing is, you know, moving calcium out and bringing it to the bones. Like his frequent podcast guest Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Rogan is a big fan of vitamin D3. I know. She has done extensive research on aging . They're fools, but they're in a position to influence millions and millions of people. Yeah, I was doing. It's hard to sleep probably when you're in those. I like, you know, like so. You're not always getting sick. You know, they're kind slower, a little more decrepit. It's a free one where we're kind of like putting some of these interesting snips which don't mean anything. Zinc once a week. And so that's a very common thing. Yeah. The whole thing seems to be a mess. And it's happened where I scared Dan. It's all really awful. I mean, they're burning. But you could wear a towel. And if the whiskey in the barrels not ready to go into the bottle, it doesn't. So what the fuck are you waiting for? I mean, so important. That's awesome. I think social distancing makes sense. It's different than like vitamin C, you know, normal vitamin C, you do need you need to get it from your diet. There's like all this stuff about you bleeding, your gums bleed. It shows you like really accurate sleep. I try not I try not to judge like I really do. Erm you know, you just whatever random place and grab the vitamin. These are people that really have no business telling you what to do and what not to do. It's such a strange virus. But so in areas where people are going to be exposed, perhaps you could give it to them and it would stop them from getting. Oh can I get a trampoline. They listed the martial arts like fuck off table tennis singles trail running trampolining. It has those inversion tables which are great for, you know, the same thing. Right. Yeah. You can get too much. There is some non-human primates studies that that did that and also animal studies as well. So I don't remember. Yeah. That's crazy. I mean, there's a lot of different repurposing drugs that are being investigated, you know, and I think over the next couple of months and then Regeneron is already, you know, doing one of these monoclonal antibodies. I think they call it like first they first of all, they call it sauna, sauna and they call it weird. Look at that graph. So here's the thing. I could do this, but it was it was pretty intense. I hope. We're going to all like make a trip. I measure I track my sleep as well. But he didn't feel comfortable getting it removed there because there was just a bunch of factors that Doc wasn't his doctor, like, you know, all that stuff. And when you know the dose and how that's changing your blood levels, like if you're only taking 200 milligrams, which some studies are doing, it's barely doing anything over your baseline, you know. Why says who? I'm just like, OK, let me start to tell you some benefits, like some real benefits. You know, it's well, it's it's important. What's the other one? Archived. And Trager Day, May 16th. The Joe Rogan Experience #1178 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick - Podcast Notes But yeah, but zinc seems really important for immune function, like there's been studies where they have like depleted healthy people of their zinc just transiently and like t cell function like is all messed up. I mean I guess eventually I was doing we were in there, I was in there for I don't know how long and then I'd go in the ice and then go back in there but I would get out and I would collapse. Like what I like. You know, like this was like the worst. So usually I just kind of scream and wake up and like, I'm like, look, I think someone's going to get me, you know, melatonin totally, totally stopped. This is not the plague that we thought it was going to be. But you know what, I'm talking. That's what it looks like. Ninety proof Franklin County, Kentucky, Buffalo Trace, American family owned and fiercely independent. Well, there's other things you can do to strengthen that area. Kevin Rose tells me I can take my Apple Watch and the hot frickin and do it right. But the hotels, maybe, yeah. So I mean, I guess they're called Finnish Sana's, which means like they're using the hot water and steam. I bet you was the same because they like do the same protocol and this was like to 10 or to 20. Well, the ones in my multi so I don't buy vitamin K one is really it's found in dark leafy greens. So, you know, the sign it does seem to be associated with lower incidence of pneumonia, but it's thought to be because of immune, you know, perturbations. And doctors, they varied in how they approached it. Do you have a song in your house. You know, it's actually I was talking about my glucose monitor, my continuous glucose monitor. And then so elderly elderly are like insanely more deficient. Twenty percent of all rubs sources in Liner's visit, Tregear grills Dotcom Joe and use the code Rogan at checkout to get free shipping on all orders. Tell me what it is, because my father in law has apnea and there's a doctor, Dr. Croppy, and he's a very wacky guy. Yeah. Rhonda Patrick's Comprehensive Joe Rogan Experience Notes Suppose you've enjoyed any of Dr. Patrick's Joe Rogan Experience appearances. And that's then raising our core body temperature through that mechanism. And they're just getting their rocks off there. Between you and those outside your household, you fucking how have you been like doing comedy bits like. vitamin C was high in her plasma. Wow. I know it's hard though. Wow. Well the dark bottles better watch because it doesn't ferment in the sun as well. But I got addicted to it. It's not. OK, so there we go. It's not going to be forever? Yeah. He was laying on his back and really snoring loud. But there are studies also showing that either vitamin K one. That company got a lot of shit for their claims. For this reason, she made a special appearance in 2020 on the Joe Regan podcast to discuss the link between the severity of COVID-19 and low levels of vitamin D. She quoted a meta-analysis appearing in the British Medical Journal regarding 25 different randomized controlled trials. I mean, there's lots of changes that occur. I like it a lot. The problem is, is that that's not like it's going to be a short lived protection, like it's going to be it's not like you can it's not like a vaccine where your body's making its own antibodies and they're and they're more longer lived, you know. So that was like my my first Finnish sauna experience where it was like people are too open minded. The study involved an investigation of supplementation using prophylactic vitamin D supplements. Yeah. There's interesting studies that have shown, you know, like that the intravenous vitamin C is like dramatically reducing inflammation as well. Yeah. She's amazing. What should I do. Right. It's like if you if you see something plus we're doing like kitchen sink. That's just fantastic. So it's micrograms per liter in their blood. I hate that it is so terrible. It's cool. So that's that's the thing right there, the machine. Most healthy people don't have any symptoms with it. Yeah, they do. Vitamin D is effective for COVID-19: meta analysis of 34 studies. And because I was like, is that like an Ignacia thing? That's crazy. But what just, you know, doing some some reading about like, why are people's immune systems so different? I mean, that's a big open question that seems possible without we don't have an answer to that. Thankfully I have help from my mom. Yeah, as B six and B 12 also, that looks interesting, I used to take when I was like doing long distance running, I was running like eight to ten miles a day. W what is, what is the top of this. Also some links to like perving, depression and animal studies. But vitamin C is interesting, too. Those people have anywhere between like 70 to 80 microbial micro moles of vitamin C per liter. I've gotten so much better at it. No, no water just dry like I, I like that but I'm so accustomed to 180 that I used one in Vegas and when I was there so it was one sixty, I was like this is ridiculous. It is almost obvious. I miss it. This study determined vitamin D provides protection for infections of the respiratory tract. I mean, it was just I was thinking, God, if we didn't have this in the house and you couldn't go anywhere, luckily we have one here so I could use the one that's here. Tastes better. So I found that really interesting. It's awful for so many of these people that didn't do anything wrong. I mean, like, if you get the flu, is it going to not is it like a three day kind of thing or is it going to knock you out for two weeks kind of thing? So I think, you know, there's there's lots of avenues for, you know, therapeutics. It's also the region that that is used to get inside of the cell. I think 50 degree Fahrenheit water or something like that, I don't remember the exact time, but but it is comparable, but you have to stay in a longer duration. I wonder how much the vitamin D deficiency varies depending upon the winter, the winter, it's been shut. I was like, yeah, I you know, you can't tell people they can't wear clothes. And I love it with meat. OK, thanks for being here. We didn't talk about that. Yeah, I would love to see that study done. It's off the charts. I was like, I was like eating a bunch of GCE and cocoa Kurkova like capsules like the the the catkins in the dark, dark chocolate for mine. Has it not been well understand for like 20 years that not getting any sun has negative impacts on how you feel? It's got synergetic properties which means it can it's been shown, it's been identified as a possible compound that can clear out senescent cells, which are those cells that are you know, they accumulate with age and they're basically like they're not dead, but they're just like not really functioning. So here's the thing with that. And oftentimes these vaccine studies are used to kind of test the immune response and like how you're how robust your immune response is because you're you're given a vaccine and there's all different types of vaccines, you know, pieces of an antigen or different types of, you know, ways that you can you can expose someone to a bacteria or virus, but you have a response to it. Now more than ever. Vitamin D deficiency is what makes it worse. So it's not like a hard core quantitative biomarker which is so badly needed. I did a sleep study once because of sleep apnea. And, you know now. I told him, I'm like, I'm going to do some reading research and see if I can find, you know, if there's any, you know, possibility that don't have to, like, get a filling. So your body sort of develops its own ability to absorb more vitamin. They did. It was, it was like, OK, now, now we're cooking and I was sweating up a storm. But but it will prevent you from spreading it, you know. Thanks, Joe. They were created when the American pioneers followed the buffalo herds to the Kentucky River, that's when they made it. So infrared sauna, the main difference between infrared scanners and like the regular dry sonas that you and I use is that the regular dry sonas are heating the ambient air. I mean, I don't even know he's been fucked up for, like, a really bad. What is the one I drink. Right. So let me tell you my story anyways. And, you know, in addition to, like repurposing drugs, monoclonal antibodies, you know, being able to basically identify antibodies that do neutralize sars-cov-2 virus, whether they come from llamas or humans, you know, and basically identify the specific antibody that can bind to that spike protein that you just mentioned, which is that region. Every day. Like there's huge variations in the results and it all really seems to come down to dose like it really does. So African-Americans, there's lots of. You could buy them online or you could buy a trigger through ten thousand plus stores nationwide. I just I would just be sitting here. I think one of the strains, it was like they could do a certain dose, like ten to the seven in tissue culture or whatever units were. I think. Someone might have done that study. There are. So physical activity was like the king. But that's what that's what this is. And there's actually been some other studies. All the toxins talk to soon. And you can't say it does this. She is credited with finding the beneficial range of Vitamin D with regards to sleep and a bunch of other disorders related to a hormonal deficiency. It's like it's like, well, it's not in our house, but it's. But I want to know how I really feel about this and how I really feel about this is very different now versus the way it was in March, because in March I was concerned and I was like, Jesus Christ, this could be terrible. So that's at least that was the mechanism that was shown with Sajko one. So you think that what it did was affect your the microbiome of your mouth? There are. Eveillard too much. You know, like like that's been shown. And they're intubating these people and they're they're doing it. And so I just go into like crazy mode and I like I like somehow like crawled from our bedroom all the way out to the living room. It's a lot of that's a it's a hormone like can you imagine just walking around without testosterone, your man? Yeah, it is horrible. Once I started doing it during the lockdown, one of the things I know is the runs that I do, the last hill is fucking brutal and I always finish on this last hill. But like adults, you know, you know, I think that if you're working, you want to open your your your restaurant back up your, you know, like masks. Living in scotland I could have told you that no sunshine makes you miserable, 6 hours of overcast "daylight" in the winter is pretty brutal. But anyway, he devised a mouthpiece. And how often would you do this if you could have one study the studies? Twenty five minutes on a stationary bike and same things are happening, you know, like blood pressure goes down afterwards, heart rate variability improves, you know, so same things are happening. Well I would wonder and I know there's there's supposedly some sort of Harvard study that's ongoing right now measuring all sorts of markers in people that have done hot yoga and whether or not it mimics heat, shock proteins that are created in the sauna. Yeah. Oh yeah. So how would one do a randomized control study on vitamin D in people that have covid-19? Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) as a COVID-19 treatment? Legal zoom is not a law firm, so you won't have to worry about expensive billable hours adding up. Every hour, some get a pass this year and a big wall tent. And, much of the conversation focused on the sunshine vitamin! Where. So they had to stay in there for an hour. I'll find you know al-Thani and see I was looking for my LPT but I was out because that like helps Karmiel. And but, you know, there certain times of the year, depending on where you live and a more northern latitude where that UVB isn't even hitting the atmosphere. Back when I was in grad school, I was doing squats and I was using the stuff and then I was doing, I guess, what are they called? And like their critics, it's animals and blah, blah, blah. And then the other thing is that these publications are being uploaded on, you know, before they're peer reviewed. The same is not true of monthly and single doses. You end up having less A2, which causes like can cause severe lung injury. And then you're staying inside. I hope you got some good information on this. 92000 shitheads who have half assed their whole life. So there was it's like it was trending that acetate was better trending, meaning was non significant, although it was like forty percent versus twenty eight percent. These are politicians. Legal Zoom Where Life Meets Legal. It's so simple and it's so delicious because it's just fire and wood. There's a lot of researchers out there trying to, like, figure out if genetics is involved in this. And then when comedy clubs are about to open up, then I'll start writing again. You strap your ankles into it and you hang from the waist and it just all that's it right there. That's what I've done in the past. They're so good, so delicious. It doesn't do anything to the two receptor levels. But older people have the complete opposite where it's like, you know, deleterious. Go to and get started on a last will, a living trust and more. A lot of people have a problem with Seabass. There's like less, less frequency of getting covid-19. What's holding you back? And right when it all went down, I was like, OK, one day, one day later, we'll do it. You know, this is like when I was in my early 20s, but I would like dose up on all these like B complex vitamins. And I totally stopped having for the most part, Dan says, yeah, like I went through one episode where what happens when someone has a nightmare is like if someone else in the sharing the bed with you, like, tries to stop you or help, like because I'm still asleep, I'm not aware that that's my husband doing that. Well, yeah, but yeah. I know you've had Matt Walker on the podcast. Right. Month to month and a half or whatever, and we kind of like my team and I just drove in and put together an article, released a podcast on it, a video where we just kind of covered everything. Soft martial arts taichi choung not in groups Chee Kong. And I was like, how about cavities? How about this one. You can get Dr. Patricks vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon. He came up with this machine. She's like, fuck off staying awake. I would take if you just had access to it every day, how often would you take intravenous vitamin C? Yeah, hormone. Because we're going to figure this stuff out. Is there any speculation as to why these large groups there was another one that was a meatpacking plant where most of the people were asymptomatic as well. I'm gonna have to go over this one again and take notes. She has tweeted several important studies available for reference at on this tweet thread. Autoimmunity It is taking five. Her recommendation is to take vitamin D every day at a dosage of 5,000iu. Oh, but here's my sauna experience. I was just in this dark little apartment and, you know, like it just it wasn't really great for my circadian rhythm because I would wake up in the morning, especially like on weekends and stuff like, you know, there's like no. When I introduce people to it, I have them do no weight. No. Yeah, I because I don't do a lot of resistance training. That's that's intense. You do this his own home, Sana, you know. And it's horrible. Vitamin Katou usually stays around the periphery, doesn't really go to the liver. The sky is falling. I mean, the thing is, like also children, I don't know how to tackle that issue because it's really hard. But her cough and it was very transient and only happened like while the I.V. And we're also brought to you by the mother fucker in cash. It's like, OK, this is this is this is like the morning and your circadian clock starts and then, you know, so you become sleepy when you're supposed to become sleepy, as long as you're not in tons of, you know, bright light at night. It totally stops it. It was actually lack of sleep. Saying that I want people to think I'm saying it's a treatment, I just want to it's a hypothesis that needs to be tested. Yeah, something's happening. It's you know, it's probably enough to like if you are a health care worker, your first line, you know, health, you know, first responder people that are definitely like being exposed to large doses of the virus, that that could be a promising area. I forgot the name of the test, but yeah, that's that's the test. Like if there's if there's antibodies that you're making against another coronavirus, beta coronavirus that's in the same family as this SARS one, no one's had SARS, one in the United States, you know, so like that one doesn't that that's not as relevant as. Teeter has two things that are really cool. You just you get like sometimes when I get nervous, my eye will start watering. But right now, when you put the vitamin D, I mean, I'm just so like. It's an annual day, a holiday dedicated to Trager that encourages our entire nation to grill and celebrate all things. But yes, January, all those vitamin D deficiency is lower for sure. I mean, I think that you could just stay in for so so the thing so the thing is, is that like with most of the studies that have been done, looking at the benefits on cardiovascular health and all in all, cause mortality quite a bit lower, like twenty minutes at one hundred and seventy four degrees. There was 10 percent less likely. Written By. Oh okay. They're doing doing naked. Is that the same family that you get from staph infections and no different stuff? Like show me what you're saying when you're talking about you talking about just regular sweat. I have one friend who he did have had tightness in his chest, but he actually was in outside of like in December. But like in general, like people have different immune systems. So he gets in over two hundred degrees with a fucking aerodyne bike with oven mitts on this crazy asshole is riding in Aerodyne. But that's been probably the biggest thing, by the way. There was a study that linked. Due to the ravages COVID-19 has left on the world, the importance of vitamin D has increased even further. And so so that's really a common sauna. And it was burning. It's like like three hours before shelter in place was put in California. It's not like, you know, drugs. And those pellets you put into a hopper, the hopper gets fed through a worm drive to a heating element and it catches fire. But the hot baths have also been shown. Popcorn will spike it really bad. Now, I'm like, we've got to be careful. That's what I mean. And it was bad. But I forgot what it was. Chemist at something. And I don't know, I got to, like, do some more reading because, like, it's not that's not uniform. So I get a lot of those as well. But the question is, is like, you know, there's there's homeostatic processes in these cells and stuff and so is it. And that's how a lot of people start. Do I do a hundred and eighty degrees for twenty five minute, dude? Yes. I totally have adapted and I'm not sure if I've just totally adapted or if it's just like my faucet doesn't get it just doesn't get cold that cold, like it really doesn't. Like it's like we don't ever sleep. Yoga is, is also like it's pretty intense, like holding those positions and stuff like your heart rate does start to elevate. Tested, too known to immunize people, did vaccinate people when they go to jail. But it would it would raise your body temperature through, you know, infrared. In the Indonesia was a really interesting study where, like, they measured vitamin D and this was measured in the patients. But then they went back a week later and 10 of those people had symptoms and three were asymptomatic. Cloudy all the time. So this is also a problem with vaccines. Really high profile releases of these horrible people that should be in jail probably forever, and they're releasing them. I like that for that. One of those. Did you know that it actually mimics exercise like literally like that's been shown. Probiotics Corruption in these in Tarzana. Like, what are you scared of? Joe Rogan LASHES OUT at Kevin Folta about Monsanto's glyphosate, gets Yeah. I would like to see that study because it makes sense. Yeah, but I was doing it too. Like right above my above. They've endured them all, and they feel a great sense of responsibility to help out when they can. And when you say what is the methodology like, what are they using? Yes, they're getting way more sick right now because they're I mean, that could be one reason right there. And I took it because I was like, well, she's sick and I've been around her and like, I don't want to get sick. I think there's like a really nice graph on on my website on that topic, which shows it's like your peak like five, five hours after. Much love to you all. It's like my tea. - 1 capsule/day Vitamin D - Thorne Research D3 - 5,000 IU/day Magnesium - Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate - 120mg/day Fish Oil - N-PURE-3 - 4 grams/day (currently unavailable, alternative: Carlson Maximum Omega) Rhonda Patrick's Additional Regular Vitamins & Supplements: It's been like just having having the effect. I feel for people that are in that state where they realize that they're not they're not happy, they're not happy with their own performance and aren't happy with their life. Is that the cause of it or is it right. You really need to find someone who's willing to go. Because they're one of the sponsors of the podcast. But I think I think there's some promise out there for it just makes you feel good, does it? But I just think the data strong.