I don't know. Gerald Junior's tart. So to gain tart's release, like, hey, I know who killed that guy. The collection plate comes around. So now you tell me all about you. This is the Dorothea Dix Hospital here. Right. This is OK if you need it. Yeah. Just things in there that weekend. Yeah. And Dan Dan got upset about it her. Hailey Jenkins. Be reverse dunking on people like it was fucking disturbing. Yeah. But yeah, they couldn't be shot out of water. Amanda Jurnee. How many? They had to bring a religious overtones. Yeah. I say right on the box, not for shooting, you know, through the air at human beings. Is that did he get that looks like stuff right there, the beer you get out. So she appeals this or she does based on the court. Right? Stand on the stand on your. A $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading up to the arrest and conviction of those involved in the murder of a 31-year-old Clinton man found dead on Feb. 8. So high in July, but then violent crime, murder, rape, robbery and of course, assault. Our annual list honoring victims includes both victims killed directly by their current or former intimate partner as well third parties who are killed as a result of intimate partner violence. That's incredible. Oh, man. I'm around it. Yeah. At Dan's request, Daniel confronted Donna about her affair with stuff. Sylvia, you got a walker? So it's over double the national average. Think about it and always think about that. I have a job about. There's a lot like closing arguments come in. Thomas Cox. Clinton really actually in the tobacco state league, OK, which I'm sure it's very common there. He's having a great life, one nighters in hotels with the guy and having a great time that he is loving life. There are no local concerts except a few times actually. Here we go. Yeah, you know how that goes stuff. Violent crimes in Clinton are 248% higher than the national average. So he's born in 1951, he marries a woman named Donna Jones and she becomes Donna Arnold and she's a year younger than him. I never was a church person. Why don't we have dinner? Right. Other producers this week are Thomas Smith. We're not like this. Asks a friend of Dann's, a guy named Daniel Statten. Derek Young Debbie Stacy Tanner with no last name gayly. Doesn't sound wonderful. Yeah, well, no murders there, too. I don't give you this name. Oh, boy. So that's a pretty good response. What else can you do? I don't understand that he's the most somehow the most believable out of this all deal for me. Like a cop, basically. This week's executive producers are John and Susan McQuillen in memory of Phyllis McClarkin, who would hate us. Also if you want to be a producer of the show, first of all, Jimmy will give you a shout out at the end of the show, mispronounce your name brutally. He hurt us. I've seen that once in my life and I've heard of it once. December 30, 1994. We'll post that. And that, said Danford, giving Stoffel the opportunity to attack. OK, he needed like a calm down. Nineteen eighty four. And it was all coerced, her stuff, her and stuff. Wow. Wow. Olivia Foley, Carla Perry, Emily Rutter. I feel like there was some they huddled together so they could not be seen. So married population here, Dutch Oven full of Cresco, you know, it varied population is lower and there's a lot of like farm people that just work on the farms here, too. Oh this is what she said. WebJeffrey Robert MacDonald, a U.S. Army officer and physician, was accused of brutally killing his two young daughters and pregnant wife in February 1970. It looks concrete. He kept on he kept on and said that this would be my way of getting even with Dan, which she said at first she resisted, but then she gave in. Why would Gerald Junior's heart need to be strong? Yeah. You know, I got some stuff, a waffle going on right now. Let's figure that out by the way. Oh my. Here's all your shit. Yeah, indeed. So Dan told the the therapist that he would lose his position with the church if he didn't end his relationship with Stoffel. So wait, buckle up, because it's the next few weeks. He doesn't know shit from shit. Now I have some reviews of Clinton here, so we'll get a little by the way, don't get mad at us for what other people say. So it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. Whichever one of them that's a left turn into one of them is smooth talking as fuck. Dan goes back and forth on it, so. Man shot, killed in Clinton neighborhood Saturday morning: police So anyway, yeah, he had all sorts of conflicts. You have a six year old. And he's got a job a couple times. How would you not know about this. Lingle Mungo here punched him in the eye, which prompted this man to get a machete. Not too far a couple hours. How hot she is. Clinton on fatal police shootings: 'Protecting all of And if we've convinced you to mount up and hog some farm, some hog, we have three hogs and farm. The oldies station will be broadcasting live from the Cavs car show with Bob Stroud and the Boogie Shoes Network. But there's a shitload of teams in that lot of tobacco going on down there. They said after a while, though, the practice was perceived as, quote, more sexual than anything else, like they were huddling up together in the hallways and feeling each other. Oppression and incarceration could have an effect on her competence to stand trial later and on her ability to assist in her own defense if she were freed on bond, however, she would not put herself in danger or represent a danger to others. Head over to shut up and give me murder dotcom right now, tons of merchandise and all that stuff. Maria Mayer, Hailey, Steph Covic, Steph Kovik. Not the beards make it but an eighty five. My friend got blood all over my shirt because I was in the of that shot. Oh, my gosh. We pick and choose some some segments, a lot of fun and jam it into there. It's too much. Yeah, yeah. Yes, he was good at it. So it's a rare if you find me a Southern Jewish hog farm. I'm doing this dinner and they talk about it. They said even now, you'll get her a job. He used to play like semi, he used to play in the pro leagues in Mexico and shit because he was such a fuck up. Yeah. It's going to be hilarious. But there's an additional benefit to this in that this is Wildeman that this was said that Stoffel needed an ego boost. Yeah, everybody is. And then while he drove the babysitter home, right before he drove her home, he handed Donna a letter, said, here you go. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Very strange, very strange, two handed attacks hard. She sucks. Well, we fucking make great weird al thing going on here. CLINTON, NC (WTVD) -- Clinton police are investigating a homicide in the area of Stetson Street and W. Morisey Blvd. Defense said that stuff used Arnold's connection with the church to avoid a conviction on the gun charge and also used his, quote, homosexual encounters with Arnold to bribe Mrs. Arnold into having dirty, dirty sex with him, added the dirty damn. I think it's on there. They met in 1981 and they had committed break ins and taken drugs together and even served jail time together, both as a youth and as adults. It'd be bad, you bad. And then he went and sat under a tree and the cops just took him. And then while the medical staff are working on it, then you can pray about it all you want at that. I mean, I always tell the truth, which is the standard. And she said she mentioned nothing about herself. She said she thought the child was teasing. And that's just even in the letters. Several times people tweeted me, this is a racist place. His story. I mean, there's ghost town. So what they end up doing, basically the evidence presented in this case clearly shows a premeditated, premeditated and deliberate killing. The first thing somebody sent us one. WebSix people were hospitalized after a drive-by shooting in Clinton during the July 4 holiday weekend, police said. Then when they got back, they went and visited him. The thing you pull up and it's got a screen combs and yeah. We're in church. I don't know. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to small town murder, hey, indeed, Jimmy. September the band of Oz. Yeah, that's right. Just like a just like in the theater. That's why he's doing this sick. So I was originally known as Clinton Courthouse. OK, Dan this is a thing as we'll find out for Dan that was fast. WebCLINTON, N.C. (WNCN) The Sampson County district attorney has ruled that the fatal shooting of an armed man in a Clinton Burger King parking lot by eight law enforcement So please don't do that. So he, his wife is the church organist as well. Are someday is very close. Gen., for State. But as detectives dug into Dan Arnolds life, they uncovered a secret life that no one in the church or community knew about. North Carolina So I think that's probably going to Southern men don't live to be ninety four. No it's not. He is released on parole as well. So they said it was inappropriate and distracting to other patients. Here's the yellow pages of murderers, I guess. So I have been banging dudes the entire time we've been married, entire time we've known each other. Do it up. I don't believe him for Fox. If you think of a show called Small Town Murder, this is what you'd think of only way weirder. Not enough high school girls in the mcdonnel that not enough. Thank you for everything you've done all year for us. We ever went out on a beach and went on stilts, apparently. Look at this conspiracy murder plot that I have here. Like you're the prosecutor. He said that he said that while in custody, he came to believe that Donna only used him to kill Dan, since he now believes that she was having an affair with somebody else at the time. I hope she I'm hoping she'll leave him. She had a song called Nobody, and it was about her answering the phone and the person on the other end, she said, who is this? But then. All small town, southern God pays the bills doing the thing. Mazari Masari. Not every frying him dinner. So it's all it all lines up when he was index, when stuff was index, that really we have to take a second as comedians to recognize that we just had stuff and in the same sentence stuff index with a one word in between them and it was fine. Yeah, this isn't good. They're postmarked before the murder, July 10th, July 11th. Just wandering through. That's yeah. So if you want to go in the morning, that's fine. Wow. It's like eleven o'clock at night though. And he's obviously not moving. It's right there over through. And then his girlfriend comes in contradiction. The transmissions are in three police officers. They talk to people. Later on, Arnold was stabbed and was stabbed and slashed with knives there. Murder We're going to have great sound, great visuals, everything. My name is James Petraglia. Whistling Bye. Nobody else could. But you know what? This week, in Clinton, North Carolina, where a storybook small town couple make a nice little life for themselves or so it seemed. The father also said she always respected that. That was what. It's going great. Rebecca Allen Tannahill KC Lance. WebClinton Ray Rose tightly gripped the arms of his chair Thursday as he listened to a Rockingham County jury sentence him to death for the murders of two half-brothers shot He's rocking it. They told him never to return and that was that. Well, everybody. First of all, let's watch this guy fuck up a car. The King of Pop was Michael Jackson, wasn't the king of rock. 2 charged with 1st-degree murder in Clinton shooting You're part of the team and you make us feel good in here. Stuff will start to Kelada, like we said. I have some Burt Quynh Humanzee, Melanie Feighan, Kate Hien Whitney. You get nothing. You need more classes. Have you ever seen the staircase? Yeah. Obviously, they gotta have meaner husbands. Like by the end of the first day, they have no jurors, really. Oh boy. Deborah Bob what. You can buy a giant house for nothing and they have Papy so that's good. He called begging for help and they said, fine, you know, we'll put you in a hospital. There are two crazy friend. That better be a family name. Yeah, that's what they would think the immigrants back then. I didn't kill my husband to present exactly what everybody's saying about you. Now, after this, they ended up returning home. One News Page. Three times. Yeah, well, he means stab wound. You can do better than what you're damned. So there's that also had over to shut up and give me murder dotcom right now. I know. This isn't a nice brick house with pillars. He's a fastball pitcher in the majors. So after the police and rescue personnel got there, they Mrs. Honeycut says that Donna went into shock. Thank you for your reviews, especially Apple podcast, The Purple Icon. She denied. And he's he was in and then, oh, is he OK? Prison record as long as his arm or he's only twenty two but it's all breaking and entering burglary. Just a fountain now. Oh that. He's going to die well before me and I'm going to enjoy the last twenty years of my life. Yeah. Unbelievable. Yeah, everything covered. OK, Dan had had a vasectomy. Such a silly name to say in a serious way favorite. She says quote, I wish I knew where you were all at. Badland Day and Night. It's just jerk off teenage friend. Why leader's wife is hot. It has it has many a small variety of fast food choices, many small shopping areas and stairs and stairs to hold on a second stairs stay. He told his doctor that he had seen his wife and stuff all in bed together and worried that Carl was younger and better looking than him and freaking out, basically. Since then, he said Donna told them that she was sorry, that they found out about the affairs and all the all that stuff and it was not necessary for anyone else to know. She she's so nice. And a Clinton locksmith, they found, he says, that that Dan Arnold had hired him to change the locks in the house after the Stoffel thing and that Arnold had that Dan had told the locksmith that stuff had threatened to kill him. And the housing is the low thing. Do you think Mandy Patinkin is going to be your resident? That's I mean, he probably made fifty and paid fifteen of it and fines. That was the coolest shit. She admitted that after the after them several months later, she said, OK, fine, I wasn't an affair there. Mandy Schmidt. Oh, sleep well, Toby. I'd probably probably Christ two of them I would think back then. They're mayor is treating everyone like his children. So how did he learn to cut hair, you ask? I love Dan. Yeah, it has a small variety of fast food. Yeah, so apparently Stuffies said, quote, Donna and I could run away. Wrist length. Yeah. Whoever picked that is your great grandfather joining us. She's depressed. I know a lot of people here hear me change your life. If it's a bucket list, I mean, who knows? They're just encouraging you to, you know, please smoke more every. You're going to get in trouble. And thank you guys for the nice words they said about my father. Here's the new George Thorogood CD and we'll see you on Sunday and have fun. Leslie Moore, Jacob Haberfield, Blake Lux, Amanda Ward, Katie Morrison, Ryley Walker and Brahe Bryson Oleynik, Fire Starter Pizza. Hayley Saxton. Really. That was really hard to pick a jury for some reason because there's not a lot of people to say they really went through a lot. And it pissed that these people hate your place. Thank you, folks, so much for joining us once again, again and again. Jessica Mazari. That's what she said, a minister in the Ministry of Music. She said that she had to restrain Donna with a bear hug to prevent her from running to the body and all of that sort of thing. He gets his friend to contact various drug dealers. And you still have one thing, but it's he also you know, he has to have dudes. Hey, you want to kill this? Yes. Some Baton Rouge man like David Blaine knock off have been good at it. Did they get rid of Clinton. Little extra sucks on that Joanne Bacon, Queen City psycho, Dylan Robinson, Lori Bowman, I said that Jen Wallace, Adam Allison Quinn, Ruben Nunez and Katie Sueda Johnson, Mary Lou, Brian Dr, Stal Dressel, Matthew GoF, Jacob Powers, Justin Horn, knacker. How wonderful this town is and sound. That's that's not bad. Blonde. Yeah, he he said that that ended up happening now. He said that he and his staff members observed stuff while Mrs. Arnold and Dan Arnold here, Donna and Dan and stuff, all huddling together in the hallways. There were not there were not many job opportunities. Also, he's been real down lately, you know, with the president and the drugs in the haircutting and the cheap Raleigh Hotel sex, he's been down. Well, I mean, that happens. And Karl said, yes, like we talked about last week. Got it hanging around. So God damn. It is. I mean, we dropped this courthouse business and just have Glen Bastards over there, Mathews County. Sampson teen charged in fathers killing | Sampson Independent He is Two hundred people watched her as. You know what I mean? Laughs This is this is nineteen ninety eight. No, I would say not. Hey, he's going to have this guy move in, which was a big deal. Gerald Junior's Hart Junior's you. So they bring the letters in. Call them. Staff reports - February 27, 2023. It's been a magical year. Are you going to go after it? So that's their problem. They're actually right. Yeah, OK, Danny Statten. WebIn 1984, the small town of Clinton, North Carolina, was shocked by the brutal murder of a local minister. Oh yeah. Within a few days of the triple murders, the police had a suspect in custody. I don't know. And that's how other people know that she hears stuff here. Stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So poor woman. Um of fuck. She said she tried to console her saying, quote, Donna, it's too late. You didn't sleep over anywhere. So, yeah. She confronted Dan about it. Follow us on social media so you'll know about things like live shows and stuff like that. They could acquit her. Kelly Pinetop. It's amazing. Yeah. You'll hear a lot of senators about this. I got kids. He was a new barber and he cut his hair. He's born in nineteen fifty one. WebCLINTON, N.C. (WNCN) Detectives with the Clinton Police Department are investigating a drive-by shooting Saturday night after they say six people were shot. So we're going to call him nothing with stuff because I like saying he's twenty two, he's a barber. Well things to do here. When you're a kid. It's so beer is where it all goes. She's a friend of theirs. I can't people savaging places.