We had just begun to attend Gun Lake Community Church in Wayland/Bradley, MI. He is our provider and our healer, He is our beacon in the storm, He loves us unconditionally no matter our temperament, He brought us the Holy Spirit to guide our step, and He is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever. God is good, because God is Love, and Love conquers all. This TRUTH needs to become part of us, ingrained, second naturefor when times are not good and trouble seems to overwhelm us we remember and KNOW our never-changing God always IS good! My heart swells with gratitude when I think of the Goodness of God. I know God will work is out for His good and that all will be better and further the kingdom of God which is our real purpose of this Earth. But sometimes I would still appreciate a text with specific next step directions- lol . Lizs dedication to platform ministry has not gone unnoticed. God keeps blessing me despite my failures. In a day when sound doctrine is devalued, MacArthur's analysis of these warnings has never been more needed. Well our great Father in heaven did just that. I dont always comment but I always enjoy them. I thank God everyday for all the gifts that he has giving me. I can surely pull up my big girl panties & endure the troubled times for the short time we are here on this EARTH. So well done, and so needed."--LIZ CURTIS HIGGS, author of 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path "For everyone who has ever thought that joy was for other people (you know, those super-spiritual people who have the inside track to what God wants . Liz, I choose a word each year to concentrate on for the year. God bless! Your e-mail helped so much!!!!!! His goodness brings us to our knees, filled with grateful praise. It helps to focus my eyes and my heart on Him. He IS good and Hes working ALL THINGS for MY good! This is so good Liz! The lily came from his yard.) He gives me exactly what I need, when I need it, to help me be more like His Son Jesus. He loves me even when I dont love me. No matter what! God is good all the time..all the time God is good! I tend to think that I know what is best and admit that I often let God know how He should do things (hopefully I am not alone in this.) She is a gifted author with a deft touch at all the elements of fine storytelling." T. Blessings and Shalom,Sista-Friend,Sue Powell I loved what you said about when we do good deeds, they are really Gods deeds. God is good ALL the time and I am so thankful that He is. Thanks! I Believe and follow only his Word, because my God is goodall the time. Thank you for reminding us of His goodness. Finally, I was. He still remains. Mixed Signals by Liz Curtis Higgs - Alibris We have a saying at our church God is Good All The Time, All The Time God Is Good. When we do good deeds it is like being the face of Jesus. Someone needed to see the body of Christ respond to my public . We dont deserve His goodness or His grace. so that you may overflow with hope Romans 15:13. God can harm us that moment, two more faithful than them, liz curtis higgs testimony was about them grace, beyond healing in his feet off. Above All, we Love our Good God for all He bestows to us everyday. FACE AND SPIRIT AND WITH ALL LOVELY FLOWERSI WAS SOARING LIKE AN EAGLE.AS.WHAT THE LORD HAS INVESTED IN MY LIFE THUS FARWHAT A GREAT MASTERPIECE HE HAS MADE OUT OF MEFR NOTHING That allows me to trust Him, knowing that hell never do anything thats not the best! God is good all of the time. What an amazing and awesome God we serve!!! Liz Curtis Higgs is a memorable Spirit-filled Christian author & speaker. Your simple meal-time prayer is the same one I was taught as a child, and the same I am teaching my grandchildren. It is in that knowledge that we can really accept that He is good ALL the timeeven when we find ourselves in rotten circumstances. God bless you! His plans dont always coincide with our plans and desires but His way is always going to be best. Like a good parent, He delights to give us all good things to enjoy! Isaiah 40:31 is a verse I love and my sister sang it with me as my honey was dying. To me it means that He always wants what is best for me even when I dont know what that is or even when I dont see His hand in it till later. Book Liz Curtis Higgs | Speakers Bureau | Booking Agent Info He continues to show us the way and hold our hand as we walk those difficult paths. Coram Deo xx. Liz's Journey of Faith - Liz Curtis Higgs | Liz curtis higgs, Godly Miss Curtis hearings your devotionals a refreshing and inspiring. . Gods goodness! A beautiful testimony to the truth of the human condition and the parts we play. He never ceases to provide aha moments in times of confusion and frustration. Bad Girls of the Bible: Rahab - Liz Curtis Higgs By the fall of 1981, I found myself in Louisville, Kentucky, playing oldies at an AM station and playing dangerous games with marijuana, speed, cocaine, alcohol, and a promiscuous lifestyle. SO powerful, and one of the reasons I am really gung-ho on memorizing Scripture: I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11. My husband recently got convicted of a crime that he did not commit and was sentenced to 25 years. Hes got you in the palm of His hands and He is NOT letting you go!!!!! I stand in awe of Gods goodness and love knowing I dont deserve it. Its His power, not ours, that puts hope in motion. A moment later, he reclaimed his seat and said to no one in particular, Some people are so nice.. by the power of the Holy Spirit. In her newest series of messages, Endless Hope, Liz explores the lives of biblical women who had a personal encounter with Jesus. Hes always there with His nail scarred hands outstretched and ready to comfort me and hold me until the worlds pain and sorrow melts away. "But thanks be to God! Hardback. Smiles were exchanged, and a warm glow settled on those who were close enough to witness the uncommon scene. May the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit lift your burdens this day, dear Marte! I had a rough day today and was feeling very low. Thank you for the beautiful reminder. He also will fill you completely (NLT) with great joy and perfect peace (NIrV). Where I can be the salt and light to others and share my testimony on how He changed me and He keeps molding me to the image of His Sonall I can do is smile and laugh at the devil because I no longer serve a father of lies, I serve the Most High God and I am a representative of His son Jesus Christ I thank Him for the answered prayer. . It gives me something to focus on rather that the situation that I am going through. Later that day all symptoms went away. Blessings. Absolutely! In another recent devotional, "31 Verses to Write on Your Heart," Curtis Higgs explores 31 favorite verses chosen by more than a thousand women. GOD IS GOOD. And sometimes the answer is : I have something better. When you trust in Him, your believing lives (MSG). Our verse has come full circle, right back to God, whose life-giving energy (MSG) never runs out of steam. The last verse in the 23rd Psalm says Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. My Dad is finally home and praising His Father and I know I will see my Dad again because of the goodness of God. So refreshing and true. He also told me he was starving he was so hungry. His faithfulness in honoring his word. Good must come from the word God. Sound good? God bless! I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. It gives me great comfort to know that in this increasingly crazy world, God Is In Control. Thanks for sharing Gods goodness with everyone! Always there when I need Him. The goodness of God is in the unexpected delights of our day; the unseen and unknown protection that he gives us; the gift of answered prayer even if the answer is no or wait a while; the blessing of family and dear, dear friends; and the grace and mercy of His salvation. A special treat was having award-winning author and speaker Liz Curtis Higgs as our keynote speaker. He knows the perfect time to create events in my life that force me to examine my heart and see whats really hiding there. Thank you Lord that you are my rock and salvation when the variables blow around me like wild winds, you uphold me with your mighty arm. How comforting to have a Father who is intrinsically good! It just gives me the warm fuzzies! Yes, God is good. Liz, I have really enjoyed your books and can not hardly wait to get this one. Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him (Psalm 62:5). Amen. Im so not worthy of all He has blessed me with, but to know He loves me so much that He gave his life so I might live with him eternally? and the list goes on and on. When my daughter was killed in a car accident, I was totally overwhelmed with grief. On Tuesday, September 19, I did my very first Facebook Live Event(gulp). And thanks for your prayers! A verse I can hang on to in any situation and any day , Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should repent. I am more the richer when I do realize that His goodness is all around me. Endless Hope - Liz Curtis Higgs It means I can trust Him no matter what. This gives me complete confidence as I greet each new day that He will bring me through the storms, love me unconditionally and see me safely home! Submit God is good to me in that I know he guides me every d a y and is there to give me strength to handle whatever happens. This summer I discovered something marvelous about hope: you dont have to come up with it on your own! Sound good? And, you know, they would say -- churches would say, Come back. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me means that I can be the one God uses to bring His goodness into a sitation. She asked him if he wanted her to sing to him. All of the time. / Romance. Thank u for being one of his willing vessels to provide those reminders! look what he endured. Blessings my friend, Debi. Thank you, Liz! PDF ATravesDeLaBibliaMyerPearlman Full PDF Or youre ready for an uplifting reminder that God holds your future in His loving hands. This was such a lovely reminder today! His goodness makes this world beautiful. My daughter said it was our parents confirmation that all is OK. God IS good all the time. Thank you Liz for offering this daily bread to us, today. He is good ALL the time! Cant wait to get a copy of this book but am wait till I get to see and hear Liz teach about these very truths in November. Following with you through 31 Verses to Light Your Path. May God keep blessing you and your family. God is good all the time, even when I forget He is there. You might want to write this verse on the tablet of your heart for all those days when your hope is running on empty. Very very thankful. I prayed both before and after applying for this new position and many of my family and friends are praying for my situation as well. He alone deserves the praise. He not only loves and cares for me , but He sacrificed His life on the cross, to forgive me, cleanse me from my sins, to make me a part of His forever Family. Paying it forward. Leaning over my pit of despair and extending a hand of friendship was a husband-and-wife radio team whod just arrived in town to do the morning show at my station. So glad your pre-order goodies are in hand! So, if a door has closed in your life, take it from our personal experience HANG ON to your Faith, and TRUST in God!!! their salvation, live out their testimony, and look forward to Jesus' return. Have you always trusted God, my friend? Its eternal. I keep reminding myself God is in control, but continue to feel frustrated and helpless (It doesnt help that I am greatly fatigued). For a period of time I chose pity as my companion. I am never out of His reach. I stand in wonder of His many gifts and blessings He bestows on Hos children. And as the years have gone by, He really has shown me that the bad turned into good, and life would not have carried on the way it has, had the bad not happened. He is righteous, faithful, and never failing. No matter how we feel, what is going on around us that may be depressing, we are loved all the time! God is definitely good. We can take the road of pity for ourselves or the one that says things could be worse. He can use us in so many ways if we let Him. In fact, I fear that He must be angry. Clearly it was unscripted (and a bit loosey-goosey! Has he said and will He not do it? Sound good? God blesses us in such ways that totally astounds us when we sit and think about it. Praise Him!!! Ive learned that God can bring light, peace, and even joy at the darkest times of our lives if we only trust and believe Him. " Long before silver bells jingled, Christmas lights twinkled, and horse-drawn sleighs went dashing through the snow, God reached down from heaven with the best gift of all. My word for 2017 is HOPE. Gods goodness truly amazes me sometimes. May we shine our lights for The Lord and be His hands and feet on Earth, even at the grocery store. I fail my Lord, yet he is there all the time to lift me up. Hence He cannot act in any way that is not good because then He would be changeable which we are told He is not in Malachi. Knowing that God is good, I can trust Him. I so dont deserve Gods presence in my life but he graciously guides and directs me and fills my life with joy beyond anything this world has to offer. Wow! I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. . . A moment before I read your post, I read an email regarding the simple song Jesus Loves Me. He is so good to me! That is Good! Asking for Prayer is a Testimony and a Witness. Former Bad Girl, grateful for God's grace. "Word by Word with Liz Curtis Higgs" is a 26-minute podcast exploring women of the Bible. Is my fav saying all the time. God is good. Satan loves to keep us from seeing it. It is a rich and full life. So excited about your new book and I pray that He continue to bless you richly. And, He is forever GOoD! Language: English. I especially like your reminder that whatever good I do, comes from the goodness of God, from God himself, not from me lest I should boast. Your privacy is vital to me. But he is good.. Thank you for this reminder. That is Gods goodness to me. This man, I could tell was homeless, never asked me for a penny! Clinging to this truth brings joy to every day, in every circumstance. He began to ask me if I knew how much certain items cost. Characters' struggles with their faith are easily relatable. Like you, two peoplesaid in unison. An older women motioned to me to please come and braid her hair. And how wonderful to know that our God, full of love, kindness and goodness loves a mess like me even when I am not good and can never be good enough to be loved by Him. Love how you show us the way through humor and creativity. They Say It's Cancer http://womantowomanmentoring.com It is indeed good to hear the GOOD news when the world is growing darker. God is always good! Paperback. I know beyond a doubt that Hell come through this with me just as Hes done in the past. The goodness of God.so many things come to mind. To me, the goodness of God is felt in his presence. Praise His holy name!!! I love the story about the young man on the plane! God is so GOOD ALL the time! My husband and have seen Him work on our behalf and provide for us time and again these last few months while struggling financially and barely getting by. Even when we are blinded to it. Gods goodness gives me everything that matters!! In February 2015 I was scheduled for a hysterectomy. God is good all the time! God is good even when the unthinkable happens. What a blessing it was to me to have met you at the Bible Baptist College Conference in June. Blessings! I thank God for being so good all the time. God goodness is knowing Hes been with me in and through a storm in my life for the past seven years of unemployment, watching a spouse go down hill with physical disabilities, and experiencing uncertainty on every side. who was ,and is ,and is to come. Dear Lizzie God has been so good to me. But one single verse brought me through it all. Site by Author Media. Before she took a leap of faith to full-time speaking, Liz spent nearly a decade as apopular radio personality, moving town to town, up and down the dial. You are good and Your mercy is forever For the past 5 years Ive been taking care of my elderly parents and at one time they were both is different hospitals expected to die but I laid my hand on my dad and prayed to God to let me have a little more time with them. God is Love. Even more special cause its a reminder of a special friend who passed away last August. So far Id shared my unexpected journey toward hope only with family members and a few close friends. A great light read with an insight into the author's former world of radio. Yes God Is Good All The Time. Yes, He is good! My God is so good! We have a little 5 year old at church who, when she was 4, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. You have helped me fall madly in love with Jesus Christ! Books by Liz Curtis Higgs (Author of Bad Girls of the Bible) - Goodreads Very moving story! Will definitely be praying as you face your journey. Sometimes I may need to look hard at where God has placed me, but His goodness is there. Hope, nestled in a manger. He has the words of eternal life GOD IS GOOD If God is good, all the time, then I have no reason to worry, fear or doubt. He holds us with His right hand and never lets go. Liz Curtis Higgs - Livres, Biographie, Extraits et Photos | Booknode I am in an emotionally challenging health situation. Every time a flower blooms, every time the sun rises, every time a babys cry pierces the air, God is reminding us of His sovereignty, His creative power, His mighty strength. God is indeed Good All the Time! Him speaking that to my heart that day helped me when I let my daughter fly for the first time by herself two years later. Liz lays out the narrative in eight chapters. I cancelled the surgery. 20 The Women of Easter: Encounter the Savior with Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene by Liz Curtis Higgs, as the title suggests, tells the story of Jesus' death and resurrection through the eyes of these three Marys. I have learned some of my greatest lessons in the midst of serious struggle, I have learned much about myself personally, about my need for God and where I need to grow in wisdom and humility. Gods goodness means peace of mind and peace of heart even in troubling times and circumstances. This was so timely! I was thinking about Gods goodness to me for quite awhile that day. Genres: Inspirational Series Parable 1. 03 Mar 2020. Thanks Liz! please download it to U-tube. Even if I dont understand His ways, its enough to know Hes in control and that all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Seller Rating: Contact seller Book Used - Hardcover Condition: Good US$ 3.48 Convert currency Free shipping Within U.S.A. we can focus on that instead of the darkness and our hope is renewed. Praise be to the LORD!! God is my strength and my song. Well, well, well A yellow rose (long story but heavenly). Thank you for showering me with blessing with your stories. But I can turn to Gods Goodness and accept forgiveness, love and know that I, not good on my own, am His Beloved. He gives me far more than I ever deserve, including forgiveness for my sins and eternal life with Him. Thanks so much, Liz! Thank you, Liz! What an awesome devotion they always are. What a joy it is to do something good for someone and to give God the glory. His Son needed to be Good, Pure, Perfect to be sacrificed, so my sins, so scarlet they are, can be turned white as snow. holy,holy,holy, is the lord god almighty. He is true and faithful and forgives me and gives me another chance every time. So I clung to Jesus and the friend that counseled me said, margaret, GOD can bring good out of any situation!!! Thanks for the memories and smile. You have brought to our attention how God is good and how He works in and for everything!! I try to let let Gods goodness flow from me all the time especially with my three and six year old. Thank you Jesus for loving me. Top 35 Liz Curtis Higgs Quotes (2023 Update) - Quotefancy Liz Curtis Higgs Quotes 1. God is good all of the time, thank you Jesus for guiding me each and every day. Goodness will come as we walk in realationship with Him. thank you Liz I love how you share Gods word! May I escort my new friend to her seat? I turned to see a young man with a kind smile bending toward an elderly woman in a wheelchair. Because God is sovereign, we can trust in His goodness in the darkest of times. Also, in our church, we have a saying in the Sunday school program: God is good all the time and all the time God is good! He takes care of us in the good times, and he comforts us in the storms, even the little daily thunderstorms. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, holy holy is He. It is only through Him that our kind nature can be manifested to others.? God is good even when my husband chooses someone else. His goodness lets us know what He has prepared for us for eternity. Tempted as I am to take credit whenever I manage to do something right, I know where the prompting and the power comes from. Gods goodness to me is this no matter how long the darkest is..God will alwaya show up at the right time,that confidence keeps me stable,focus inspite of the obvious wickedness around me. Sometimes just saying those words aloud reminds me that no matter what is going on in my little world, the Creator of that world is constant and nothing will happen to me today that He cant handle. Spill the Beans LIVE With Liz Curtis Higgs [Episode 148 at Fresh Gods goodness will shine through all the dark times in our lives . Thanks for this today! His goodness and faithful is a strong tower and refuge for me. Dementia cant rob her of Jesus. It really IS a delicious verse, Susan, packed with words that speak to our right-now needs: hope, joy, peace, and more hope! DAVIS BUNN, AUTHOR OF WINNER TAKE ALL I applied for a new, full time position today and was interviewed on the spot. His Love is Everlasting~! Gods loving nature and his grace provides for us a window to see all the good in the world that we may not see when focusing on the bad. Dear SWEET LIZ Thelovely flower photos this week were taken by our daughter. Liz writes both contemporary and historical fiction: She also created five books for children: And more than 4,500 churches nationwide are using Lizs video Bible study series,Loved by God. Amazon.com: Liz Curtis Higgs Bible Studies I believe that nothing happens by coincidence, and everything that does happen, happens for a reason. Touch base with me via my website contact page in a few days, and Ill see what I have left in stock. While lifes disappointments can be discouraging, Gods goodness and blessings restore perspective.