While The Gathering is almost exclusively an affair of the dominionist Protestant evangelical right, The Council for National Policy brings together top funders of both the secular and theocratic far-right with movement activists and strategists. Disciple Nations Alliance teaches Biblical Worldview principles outlined in DNA leader Darrow Millers book (co-authored with Stan Guthrie) Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth To Transform Cultures (1998, Youth With a Mission Publishing). His family didn't have beds and slept on cardboard. I continued, however, to struggle with denial and a growing temptation to drink (see: http://www.crtampa.com/2013/celebrate-recovery-connection-july-312013/ ), 2008 3,000 Since the primary purpose of marriage is the procreation and nurturing of children, marriage can only be the union of a man and a woman. Youthbuilders, Advocates International bills itself as the worlds biggest faith-based legal association, with thousands of legal professionals around the globe. In. 20:13, Rom. 2005 136,600 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) 2006 37,838 2005 5,000 2008 130,000 After talks back and forth, in 2017 the BJP-led Indian government barred Compassion from transferring funds into India, forcing the group to close its operations in that country. Founded in 1952, Compassion partners with more than 8,000 local. Your donation helps children when they need it most.. For information regarding COVID-19 and how Compassion is working through it, please visit our COVID-19 FAQ page. 2001 2,500 Let us pray for the church in America and the world to stand firm in the Truth of God, that same-sex marriage is a violation of the word and the will of God.. Like Luis Palau, Ed Silvoso has also targeted a chosen liberal, gay-friendly enclave, San Francisco. 2007 23,850 Gods opinion of homosexuality has not changed.. 2012 4,000 As legal fights over religious convictions on family and LGBT rights have continued to make their way through the courts and Congress, Bethany Christian decided to incorporate the move toward. Over the subsequent decades, key evangelical aid and development theorists who attended Villars, such as Darrow L. Miller little known in secular culture but whose ideas have exerted vast influence within the myriad U.S.-based evangelical aid and relief groups that sprang up after World War Two (some of which have annual budgets of over a billion dollars) have extensively fleshed out the initial vision embodied in the Villars Statement. 2005 8,000 A representative of Advocates International,26 challenged the resolution on the basis that there was no consensus on the issue. (see: http://agi.ac.za/sites/agi.ac.za/files/2_case_study_sibongile_ndashe.pdf). 2011 67,850 Adadevohs International Leadership Foundation website ( note: Adadevohs ILF is to be distinguished from another, more prominent US-based entity with the same name http://http://www.ileader.org ) currently advertises upcoming ILF seminars to be hld in the African nations of Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, and South Africa. 2007 5,000 2007 212,500 2011 5,005,293 2010 457,779 2012 9,900, Formed in 2003 under the name Christian Witness To a Pagan Planet, TruthXchange claims homosexuality and yoga advance an anti-biblical pagan agenda and promotes the sort of Christian presuppositionalist worldview precepts also advanced by Summit Ministries (and which closely resemble Christian Reconstructionist presuppositionalism.). Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Our holistic child development model is delivered 2005 4,600,955 death, and separation from God is the result of mans rebellion against God, which Christian Anti Defamation Commission The closest bathroom was a 10-minute run away from home, and the closest school that his parents could afford was a 2-hour walk, barefoot. Leading the Cornwall Alliance is E. Calvin Beisner, a participant along with Michael Cromartie at the Villars Consultation. It kills (as we have been reminded by the AIDS crisis). 2010 0 There [were] not any positive people to look up to or to mentor me. 2007 323,766 2008 65,000 2002 65,000 2012 0 2009 2,800 Were working on a second book, that would be stand-alone, and the area that well be addressing is prevention. 2013 451,740, Christian Film and Television Commission (EIN 13-2961538). 2006 2,400 Meanwhile, NOM leaders such as Brian Brown has emerged as aggressive participants in the World Congress of Families that is credited with helping to inspire anti-LGBT and anti-reproductive rights legislation in Russia and Eastern Europe. In short, the real and lasting answer was not food, knowledge of better farming techniques, schools, or medical care, or any other secular remedy. Coral Ridge Ministries We must never appear to be mean-spirited or bigoted. relationship more powerful than poverty changing their life and yours! Compassion International Reviews | BestCompany.com The need to oppose a false understanding of poverty which makes poverty itself a Writes Hammond, The Summit students and staff became the largest supporters of Frontline Fellowship, and the main sponsors of Bibles and film evangelism equipment for Sudan. Job specializations: Nursing. 2004 53,500 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) Compassion International is an American child sponsorship and Christian humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that aims to positively influence the long-term development of children globally who live in poverty . 2012 2,640 2010 16,750 Faith 2 Action 2012 874,930 2010 5,750 2005 4,500 2009 6,800 As the Executive Director of the New York Civil Liberties Union Donna Lieberman testified in 2012 in the ongoing court case, the Bronx Household of Faith rejects New York State law recognizing same-sex marriages because it fails to recognize the authority of God, creator and sovereign of the universe, as the authority above the state. (see: http://www.nyclu.org/content/testimony-new-york-city-council-regarding-churches-worshipping-schools), 2001 1,000 2001 0 The faithful stood much of the time with arms lifted high, palms facing skyward, singing tributes to Jesus Christ. Today I am a free man, married, and a father of two, Gabriel and Malkia. In 1997 at The Gathering, Schmierer led a session during which he and other anti-LGBT rights strategists including Herb Schlossberg outlined a mutli-dimensional strategy to combat organized homosexuality. Then, in 2013, NCF funding of Becket doubled, to $185,000. There are many charities like World Vision that support Children in need, Compassion International and One Child Matters are two others that come to mind right of hand.) 2003 234,392 That state department position went to future E&PPC president Elliott Abrams (who took the E&PPC helm in 1996). We did see nay cities open up to the gospel for the first time. 2013 15,220. The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod overwhelmingly passed a resolution reaffirming its traditional, biblical stance on gender identity and sexual orientation, while also calling for churches to "minister compassionately" to people who identify as LGBT. A Christian school in Kansas is at the centre of mounting controversy after it emerged that it reserved the right to expel students if any of their family members were gay or transgender. In a similar manner in which the 1980s-era Coalition on Revival created plans for how to impose biblical law and the biblical worldview in all sectors of society, The Villars Consultation launched a now-burgeoning school of thought on how to integrate the biblical worldview into Christian aid and relief work. 2012 160,000 2009 974,130 2003 5,000 Frontline Fellowship The IRD, which historically received heavy funding from Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead & Co., has aggressively worked to provoke schisms in mainline Protestant denominations over wedge issues such as the ordination of gay clergy, same sex marriage, and abortion. Ed Silvosos Harvest Evangelism ministry works directly with Ugandan First Lady Janet Museveni rumored in Uganda to be the most important driving political force behind the Anti Homosexuality Bill and also includes, in its International Transformation Network team Ugandan evangelist Julius Oyet, who claims to have been part of a committee that conceived the bill and picked MP David Bahati to introduce it in Ugandas parliament. Promotes conferences that seek to change gay people, Admits: I believe homosexuality is harmful to all, including society, and is against the teachings of the God of the Bible, Equates homosexuality with bestiality and adultery: The Judeo-Christian worldview at the heart of Western culture and so our legal and governmental systems (Ten Commandments, an eye for an eye, the very concepts of mercy, justice and rehabilitation) promotes marriage and family while decrying other modes of sexuality homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, etc, Uses skewed research from activists who share his view to claim that gay men can change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation and that homosexual orientation is not an immutable fact of nature or Creation., IFI President Smith has testified before the Indiana House in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage (see: http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2014/01/22/3195191/indiana-house-committee-advances-constitutional-amendment-banning-sex-marriage/). Now I must reclaim that role. Dont misunderstand what Im saying here. 2004 170,375 2008 71,200 Homelessness. In Touch Mission International is a sister ministry of Front Line Ministries, headed by Peter Hammond a leading Christian Reconstructionist and current Coalition on Revival Steering Committee member. 2008 1,500 (Bethel Church no EIN provided) 2003 23,280 [26] The Ministry of External Affairs later stated that the ban had nothing to do with the ideology of Compassion International.[27]. 2005 0 2012 13,957 2011 104,600 Hammond is an unabashed Christian Reconstructionist and co-author of the stridently anti-gay 2001 book The Pink Agenda Sexual Revolution in South Africa and the Ruin of the Family (see encyclopedia entries for Hammonds Frontline Fellowship and In Touch Mission International.). 2006 520,080 2009 550 2012 57,150 In 2010, Stewart attended the CEFs triennial National Convention, which featured as a keynote speaker Dr. A. Charles Ware president of Crossroads Bible College. Few Christian leaders, and vanishingly few politicians, are avowed Christian Reconstructionists. The more Gods judgments are poured out on earth, the more explicitly will they be able to give that instruction., Desert Stream Ministries (EIN 95-3889820). 2013 0 ( 83,981 to John Hagee Ministries, EIN 74-1764843 ), The Liberty Counsel is a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated anti-gay hate group. A Director of Opposition Research for the Republican National Committee while in law school, Bauer served, from 1982-1987, as President Ronald Reagans Deputy Under Secretary for Planning and Budget in the Department of Education. 2008 20,000 2010 11,605 The ideological bent of Christian Union shines through in its semi-annual publication the Ivy League Christian Observer: In the Winter 2014 issue, we find a glowing cover of an October 2013 appearance of Heritage Foundation fellow and Princeton alumnus Ryan P. Anderson at a Princeton University event sponsored by the Anscombe Society. (see: https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/the_supreme_court_recognizes_that_hostility_toward_religion_is_just_as_dang), Since that 2001 Supreme Court decision, the Good News Club has established its bible clubs in over 3,500 American public schools, as chronicled by journalist Katherine Stewart in her book The Good News Club: The Christian Rights Stealth Assault on Americas Children (2012, Public Affairs/Perseus Book Group) (see: http://www.thegoodnewsclub.com/book). The Alliance Defending Freedom was launched in 1994 with a conference call co-hosted by Campus Crusade For Christ founder Bill Bright, who in turn was an inner-sanctum member of the Washington D.C. network known as The Fellowship (long headed by Douglas Coe.) 2013 2,600, Indiana Family Institute (EIN 35-1790240). We offer pre-planned group sponsor trips and unique custom visits. Orombi also served as head of the Uganda Christian University (see Truro Church entry), another vector for the U.S.-funded export of anti-LGBTI religious ideology to Uganda. 2011 212,425 Noebels most notable contribution, as expressed in his 1991 book Understanding the Times: The Religious Worldviews of our Day and the Search for Truth (1996, Harvest House, republished in 2006) may be his idea that secular humanism has replaced communism as the leading threat to America and Christianity. When you sponsored me, all that changed. They are into destroying institutions that have been built by Christians, whether it is universities, governments, our own traditions, that we have. One of the most prominent members of the Fellowship (according to the Billy Graham Archives at Wheaton College) was the late Nixon Administration lawyer and hatchet man Charles Colson. 2007 0 2012 885,955 States Burns, Celebrating Gods Design is a unique new curriculum series that takes a balanced and biblical look at important youth issues including gender confusion, tolerance, and challenging family dynamics., 2001 156,000 2008 0 In a 1993 speech, prominent Christian Reconstructionist Joseph Morecraft exclaimed that the role of civil government should be to terrorize evil doers to be an avenger! 2006 100,100 2007 10,000 2013 800, Widely known as the Latin Billy Graham, Louis Palau established his name and career through nation-hopping evangelistic crusades (though Palau now eschews the term crusade, as divisive.). The Mayflower Institutes Marshall Foster was an original Coalition on Revival signatory. Concerned Women For America 2012 0, Faculty Commons EIN 95-6006173 2008 29,400 Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado is the current CEO and President of Compassion International. Transgender people face high barriers to legally change their name and/or gender marker, and are somtimes required to undergo forced sterilization or compulsory psychological treatment. . Georgia Family Council 2011 1,500 We are an army of salvation, they chorused. According to Kennedy, Mathare is not a place people are proud to say they are from. 2007 56,717 2005 534,992 2009 3,000 Natural disaster. Children who participate in Compassion's programs are, more likely to finish secondary In many parts of the world, intersex people suffer from irreversible, harmful, and medically unnecessary medical interventions, often without fully informed consent. 2002 22,450 2012 Ahmanson was a key financial supporter, up to 1995, of the Christian Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundation and up to 1995 served on the Chalcedon board of directors. 2009 19,900 The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty, which bills itself as the premier religious liberty law firm in the United States ( http://www.hobbylobbycase.com/about-the-becket-fund/ ) represented the Green family, owners of the Hobby Lobby craft supplies store chain, in the 2014 Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case that was decided in favor of the Greens and Hobby Lobby by the U.S. Supreme Court. transformation, setting people free from destructive attitudes, beliefs, values, and ADF is tied to anti-LGBT rights activism from the U.S. to Belize to Russia and has played a major role in the the anti-gay World Congress of Families (see: http://www.twocare.org/the-secret-american-money-behind-the-world-congress-of-families/ ). At the Glenn Eyrie conference, speakers outlined an evolving, multilayer strategy to combat LGBT rights. Up into 2014, the website of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes featured a testimony from an athlete who claims to have been miraculously delivered from homosexuality through her conversion to Christianity. We were expecting maybe 25 members of parliament and 75 other city leaders. If only you knew that one day I would go on and sponsor another kid in my community and be a source of hope to others. 2009 945,497 The AFA is classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT hate group (see: http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/groups/american-family-association). As detailed in a Twocare.org investigative report, CEF was one of the leading ministries engaged in the 1992-1997 program under which American evangelicals indoctrinated millions of school children in former Soviet Union countries (see: http://www.twocare.org/how-antigay-american-fundamentalists-indoctrinated-russias-school-children-1992-1997/). The Alabama Policy Institute is listed, by the Family Research Council, as one of the State Family Policy Councils (see:http://www.frc.org/state-policy-organizations). Various iterations of the First Academy student handbook contain similar provisions (see: http://www.thefirstacademy.org/files/tfa_community/Parent-Student_Handbook_2014-2015.pdf). Beisner was also general editor for the worldview documents, on how to implement biblical law in all spheres of society, produced by the theocratic Coalition on Revival. 2005 5,0 The yearly season of service was pioneered by Luis Palaus son Kevin Palau, who has led an effort in which churches under Palaus aegis are partnering with Portland public schools, to mentor students in the Portland public school system. 2011 0 And its a great honor to serve them.. 2007 6,000 [6], As of November 2019, the board chair of the organization was Judy Golz, and the president and CEO was Santiago Mellado. 2004 10,000 2007 144,050 2005 4,950 2010 8,600 Your support gives a child life-changing No to sodomy!, In 2010, only a few months after Western media attention became fixated on the role that TheCall head (and NAR prophet) Lou Engle (with financial help from the National Christian Foundation) had played in inciting anti-gay hatred in Uganda by staging a May 2010 TheCall rally in Kampala, Luis Palaus son Andrew Palau held a series of Luis Palau Association rallies in Uganda with the help of Bishop Julius Oyet (see: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2010/October/Evangelist-Palau-Spreads-Love-in-Uganda/ ). 2004 21,000 [3] Swanson had traveled there to preach the gospel to the US Army troops, but during his visit he was deeply moved by the plight of the scores of abandoned children he saw. Alliance Defending Freedom lawyers have been the chief litigants for the Bronx Household of Faith in the case. 2010 700 2003 1,600 In a 2006 at The Gathering, during an Alliance Defense Fund three and a half-hour special briefing titled How people of faith are being silenced here in America, Family Research Council President Perkins stated, I think were at great threat, externally, from radical Islamists who want to destroy us and our way of life The second greatest threat I think this nation faces is internally, and its from the radical homosexuals that want to destroy the underpinnings of our nation the homosexual, the radical homosexual, wants to destroy our way of life, Among the FRCs high-profile events was the 2009 prayercast against health care reform (see:http://www.frcaction.org/pressrelease/frc-action-to-host-live-prayercast-tonight-on-health-care-reform-) which included TheCall head Lou Engle and Bishop Harry Jackson, one of the most aggressive among African-American pastors working against LGBT rights. In an interview for Marvin Olaskys World magazine, in the June 14, 2014 issue, Palau told Olasky that Our openly gay mayor would now say, Nobody has helped the city of Portland more than the evangelical community. His understanding of what Christians are like has totally turned around. (see: http://www.worldmag.com/2014/05/pioneering_palaus), The initiative was launched in 2008, described in an in-depth 2009 story in Willamette Week, as a five-month volunteer effort by 26,000 Portland parishioners, logging more than 100,000 hours refurbishing 50 school campuses, giving haircuts to the homeless and donating 45,000 pounds of canned goods to food banks.. Truro Anglican Church Violate that rule and you are toastas last weeks public shunning of evangelical pastor Louie Giglio shows. A lock () or https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. 2002 76,500 Writes political scientist John R. Pottenger, in his book Reaping the Whirlwind: Liberal Democracy and the Religious Axis (2007, Georgetown University Press), As senior minister of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and president of Coral Ridge Ministries, an international Christian broadcasting organization based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Kennedy preaches sermons reflecting the doctrines of theonomy and dominionism of Christian Reconstructionism. Campus Crusade For Christ MLM repackages discredited ex-gay propaganda, especially video, for international audiences. 2004 14,900 2011 2,800 2004 74,100 2005 1,000 The Disciple Nations Alliances 2008 IRS 990 tax form lists a DNA grant to Samaritan Strategy Africa of $144,500. Brian Cox, associate rector of a sister church, the Church of the Apostles, exhorts Truros congregants to obey unquestioningly Gods commands. The problem, according to Eldredge, is an emasculating overemphasis on manners: Where are all the real men? is regular fare for talk shows and new books. This change impacts Compassions rating negatively because we choose to send dollars to the Implementing Church Partners every month for our programs that impact children. The ex-gay New Hope Ministries is run by Frank Worthen, one of the original board members of Exodus International North America when it was founded in 1976. 2012 26,800 2005 16,000 (see: http://vimeo.com/purepassion/videos/ ) First of all thank you for your confidence. Patrick Henry College Gothard insisted that divorce be prohibited under any and all circumstances so, the deal, potentially very lucrative for both parties, fell apart. One of the most flamboyantly anti-gay groups on the Christian Right, AFTAH is classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT hate group. 2008 115,000 A person then either tries to arrange their life in reaction to, or avoidance of, these painful areas 2013 1,000. 2009 600 A maturing child needs the gender-specific influences of both a mother and a father. This effort which has neutralized, at least in a public relations sense, charges that participating churches are anti-gay, has helped ignite church growth in Portland according to Palau: Were beginning to see churches grow and new churches planted, because weve demolished that straw man argument of Oh, youre just anti-this and anti-that. South Lake, for example, has planted a church in the Roosevelt neighborhood with 150 people coming. The ADF is currently representing a group of plaintiffs challenging a provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires employee health plans from for-profit employers to provide contraceptive coverage. 2007 1,390,833 Cameron dresses up his studies with copious footnotes, graphs and charts, and then pays to publish them in certain journals. ( http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/profiles/paul-cameron ), 2006 12,000 2011 2,620 2012 2,800 According to AI, its Family Task Force generally supports the principles and purposes of the World Congress of Families and participates in its global meetings. (see: http://www.advocatesinternational.org/library/family-and-community), 2001 51,000 (EIN 65-496702) Truth In Action is the working name of Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc. As chronicled by RightWingWatch, in 2012, the same year that Truth In Action was funded by the National Christian Foundation, the ministry showcased activists who likened homosexuality to slavery and called for its criminalization. 2007 11,116 2012 60,069 2011 10,000 The Iowa Family Policy Center is the educational arm of the Iowa Family Leader. Self-Compassion as a Protective Factor Against Minority Stress for LGBT 2003 29,300 Children are to honor their parents. 2007 2,250 The fortune of the narrowly-targeted Alliance for Marriage has risen and fallen with the religious rights efforts to prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage. The failure to operate from a distinctively Biblical perspective in both methods and goals. If I made it past sickness, I would have succumbed the typical narrative of every young boy in these lands. 2011 909,480 As described in a July 14, 2014 Twocare.org report ( http://www.twocare.org/gathering-greens-etc/ ), during the September 12-15, 2013 at the annual meeting of The Gathering, held in the Alliance Defending Freedoms home base of Scottsdale, AZ, three generations of the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, were present for the event. 2003 6,500 Probe Ministries International These powers include the ability to raise the dead, which is frequently attempted at the Bethel Church (see: http://www.redding.com/photos/2010/jan/17/37811/). Oyet claims to have helped conceive the Ugandan Anti Homosexuality Bill and has forthrightly stated that the Bible mandates the death penalty for homosexuality. 2009 3,300 American Center For Law and Justice Michael Cromartie has brought to E&PPC his close ties to the elite Washington, DC evangelical network known as The Fellowship which hosts the National Prayer Breakfast and has been accused, by journalist Jeff Sharlet, of having inspired Ugandas festering national anti-LGBT rights crusade. Palau is also linked to top NAR leadership by marriage, to Louis Palaus sister Ruth Noemi Palau (now Ruth Silvoso.) The need to reaffirm the Biblical support for the family as the basic social and economic unit and its right to own and control property, and to stand against any ideology that would diminish the familys proper role in any of these areas. Amidst the campaign, Anne and John Paulk were featured in a 1998 cover story in Newsweek which in 2014 would run a de-facto apology for its glowing 1998 story on allegedly successful examples of reparative therapy (see: http://www.newsweek.com/ex-ex-gay-pride-249282). Javascript is required on this website, please Enable Javascript in your browser, Christian Child Sponsorship - Compassion - Child Charity Organization. 2011 8,900 From this day, I knew I had a chance at life and death was arrested and my life began. 2006 5,021 Some of these experts are leading advocates of the paradigm which depicts same-sex attraction as caused by, linked to, or associated with demon spirits. MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Wilburn219-384-8177[emailprotected], Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 Listing for: Regency at Bluffs Park. 2011 8,660 All of this is anathema to the homosexual movement, The truth is this: Homosexuality brings judgment on the land. From the start, E&PPCs applicaton of Judeo Christian morality was highly selective. 2009 7,000 Battles to remove the Ten Commandments from public buildings, and fights to take under God out of our Pledge of Allegiance. 2012 15,000 For boys in Mathare, drugs and crime were so prevalent that making it to the age of 16 became a milestone because they had escaped prison or death. 2009 38,100 2005 392,170 The source data for funding listed in this reference work are 2001-2013 National Christian Foundation IRS 990 forms filed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Elements of this strategy would later resurface at The Gathering in 1997, when Fieldstead & Co. program director (and The Navigators member) Don Schmierer and former Fieldstead & Co. program director Herb Schlossberg would present, to The Gatherings deep-pocketed investors, a strategic plan for fighting organized homosexuality. 2005 15,900 Also attending were Dr. Judith Reisman, who promotes and endorses Scott Livelys book The Pink Swastika, Dr. Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute, and Peter LaBarbera, now head of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, who in 2014 formed a new anti-gay group with Lively (see: http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/2214073680.html). Summit Ministries is closely aligned both with the John Birch Society and the Christian Reconstructionism movement, and focuses on the indoctrination of youth through the creation of worldview curriculum and by running a summer youth camp program that teaches Summits worldview to attendees. These two scholars have shaped a theoretical development perspective which posits that Western cultural values rooted in Christianity and in the case of Harrison, especially Protestant Christianity, have played an indispensable role in the economic and political success of the European and North American West. 2007 2,100 Healthcare. Following closely in his fathers footsteps Matthew Hagee, who has taken over as head pastor at John Hagees Cornerstone Church, claims AIDS is a choice (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyS5vFIhRpE) and fulminates, We are at a tipping point when the church can watch the homosexual agenda be advanced in public schools and we sit back and whine about it.