You can even mix domain and conditional validations and perform all assertions in a single step. The same concept applies to XML and you can build complicated payloads from scratch in just a few, extremely readable lines. Can be expressions that will be evaluated. Here is an example JavaScript function that uses some variables in the context (which have been possibly set as the result of a sign-in) to build the Authorization header. It can be easily inspected or used in expressions. 10 How to call custom Java code in karate API tests? Also look at the section on commonly needed utilities for more ideas. You need to use karate.toJava() to wrap JS functions passed to custom Java code. Reading files is achieved using the built-in JavaScript function called read(). You can see what the result looks like here. As a rule of thumb, prefer match over assert, because match failure messages are more detailed and descriptive. This is a sample Spring Boot web-application that exposes some functionality as web-service end-points. you can use pure JsonPath expressions (notice how this is different from the above), # and even append to json arrays (or create them automatically), # and for match - the order of keys does not matter, # you can ignore fields marked with '#ignore', # you can even set whole fragments of xml, """ A few special built-in variables such as $ (which is a reference to the JSON root) - can be mixed into JSON embedded expressions. { id: { domain: "DOM", type: "entityId", value: "#ignore" }, Also see type conversion. match each can be combined with contains deep so that for each JSON object a deep contains match is performed within nested lists or objects. Also note how you can wrap the LHS of the match in parentheses in the rare cases where the parser expects JsonPath by default. Parallel testing is the core functionality that is provided by the Karate itself, hence we need not depend on Maven, Gradle, etc. Note how even calls to Java code can be made if needed. See this other example for more ideas: dsl.feature. The above code reads a template which is in location com/example/templates/idm/idm-create-user-template.json and stores it as a JSON variable called myReq Then we can send the JSON variable to the other feature file using the call method. JavaScript functions have some limitations when combined with multi-threaded Java code. 'name is Bob and age is 5', # the single cell can be any valid karate expression, * def generator = function(i){ if (i == 20) return null; return { name, Keywords that set multiple key-value pairs in one step, Managing Headers, SSL, Timeouts and HTTP Proxy, Matching Sub-Sets of JSON Keys and Arrays, mix Karate into Java projects or legacy UI-automation suites, Karate entered the ThoughtWorks Tech Radar, 7 New Features in Karate Test Automation Version 1.0, nested chunks of JSON that name-space your config variables, alternate way of calling JavaScript functions, exact same example implemented in REST-assured and TestNG, do not use this unless you know what you are doing, see above, Comparison engine(s) to use. If you want to use JUnit 4, use the karate-junit4 Maven dependency instead of karate-junit5 . The karate-chrome Docker is an image created from scratch, using a Java / Maven image as a base and with the following features: Chrome in "full" mode (non-headless) Chrome DevTools protocol exposed on port 9222. You end up with a decent approximation of BDD even though web-services by nature are headless, without a UI, and not really human-friendly. left: 1085, If you have to set a bunch of deeply nested keys, you can move the parent path to the top, next to the set keyword and save a lot of typing ! But since you can express a list of data-elements as a JSON array - even these XPath expressions can be used in match statements. Note that it is a map of lists so you will need to do things like this: And just as in the responseCookies example above, you can use match to run complex validations on the responseHeaders. Easy to create a framework. You can imagine how you could evolve a nice set of utilities that validate all your domain objects. return a pretty-printed, nicely indented string representation of the JSON value, also see: return a pretty-printed, nicely indented string representation of the XML value, also see: get the value of any Java system-property by name, useful for, returns a JSON array of integers (inclusive), the optional third argument must be a positive integer and defaults to 1, and if start < end the order of values is reversed, very rarely used - when needing to perform conditional removal of JSON keys or XML nodes. So you can use Karate to set-up data via API calls, then run the UI test-automation, and finally again use Karate to assert that the system-state is as expected. Karates capabilities include being able to run tests in parallel, HTML reports and compatibility with Continuous Integration tools. The classpath is a Java concept and is where some configuration files such as the one for logging are expected to be by default. And steps that follow should logically be in the Then form. But if you need to use values in the response headers - they will be in a variable named responseHeaders. Karate will also run Scenario-s in parallel by default. It is worth internalizing that during test-execution, it is upon the method keyword that the actual HTTP request is issued. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? Conditionally making a test fail is easy with Karate has built-in support for re-trying an HTTP request until a certain condition has been met. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? }, REST testing based on Karate framework - JazzTeam to customize rebase filename and/or output), Function to be called when displaying image comparison configuration in Karate HTML reports (e.g. bar: 'world' sportName: '#string', If you are new to programming or test-automation, refer to the options for IDE support and the official IntelliJ plugin is recommended. So you can do things like this: * def name = name + __loop - or you can use the loop index value for looking up other values that may be in scope - in a data-driven style. In such cases, you have to use string quotes: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }. There is a neat way to tag your tests and the above example demonstrates how to run all tests except the ones tagged @skipme. A header row is always expected. var squares = []; { But take a look at how Karate can loop over a *.feature file for each object in a JSON array - which gives you dynamic data-driven testing, if you need it. If you get stuck and ask a question on Stack Overflow, make sure you provide a cURL command that works - or else it would be very difficult for anyone to troubleshoot what you could be doing wrong. """, # karate's unified data handling means that even 'match' works, # which means that checking if a cookie does NOT exist is a piece of cake, # check if the response status is either of two values, # this may be sufficient to check a range of values. A good example is when you want to use a CSV file as the request-body for a file-upload. And such re-use makes it easier to re-factor tests when needed, which is great for maintainability. Feature: We use it to identify the feature file and give it a small title or a one line definition. Raw Blame. But there are cases where you need to take custom actions like saving a response to a file, file reading or writing, etc. One workaround is to temporarily disable or rename your Maven settings.xml file, and try again. } You can always directly access the variable called responseHeaders if you wanted to do more checks, but you typically wont need to. "c": 3 With the above in place, you dont have to keep switching between your src/test/java and src/test/resources folders, you can have all your test-code and artifacts under src/test/java and everything will work as expected. And thats all there is to Karate configuration ! There can be multiple Scenario-s in a *.feature file, and at least one should be present. All you need is available in the karate-core artifact. ZenWave Karate IDE - Visual Studio Marketplace You can also dynamically set multiple files in one step using multipart files. If the second HTTP call above expects headers to be set by my-headers.js - which in turn depends on the authToken variable being updated, you will need to duplicate the line * configure headers = read('classpath:my-headers.js') from the caller feature here as well. Here is an example of an implementation. Contrary to the docs, Karate does limit us regarding values we pass between feature files. You can select a single Scenario (or Scenario-s or Scenario Outline-s or even specific Examples rows) by appending a tag selector at the end of the feature-file you are calling. For convenience, some stats are logged to the console when execution completes, which should look something like this: The parallel runner will always run Feature-s in parallel. function(s) { But there are cases where you need to take custom actions like saving a response to a file, file reading or writing, etc. UI for debugging the Test. JSON arrays), see, convenient for the common case of transforming an array of primitives into an array of objects, see, useful to merge the key-values of two (or more) JSON (or map-like) objects, see. Step 3: Add steps to run a sample GET API request. Refer to this case study for how dramatic the reduction of lines of code can be. Run All Karate Tests. The name of the class doesnt matter, and it will automatically run any *. Since multiple values are supported, you can also do this: A little-known capability of the Cucumber / Gherkin syntax is to be able to tag even specific rows in a bunch of examples ! each feature opens a new scope without which karate would break in all kinds of ways. 5678 5 This has the advantage that you can use pure JsonPath and be more concise. See also match header which is what you would normally need. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an approach to development and testing, when special attention is paid to product behavior in business terms. If your XPath is dynamic and has to be formed on the fly perhaps by using some variable derived from previous steps, you can use the karate.xmlPath() helper: You can refer to this file (which is part of the Karate test-suite) for more XML examples: xml-and-xpath.feature. name: 'Billie', The response is automatically available as a JSON, XML or String object depending on what the response contents are. Karate will traverse sub-directories and look for *.feature files. If you are just trying to pre-define schema snippets to use in a fuzzy-match, you can use enclosed Javascript to suppress the default behavior of replacing placeholders. It may be easier for you to use the Karate Maven archetype to create a skeleton project with one command. In the feature file, we assert for HTTP response code 201. Here is an example: binary.feature. You can use karate.callSingle() in karate-config.js like this: It can take a second JSON argument following the same rules as call. Also refer to the eval keyword for a simpler way to execute arbitrary JavaScript that can be useful in some situations. The documentation on how to run tests via the command line has an example of how to use tags to decide which tests to not run (or ignore). The demo also features code-coverage using Jacoco, and some tips for even non-Java back-ends. """, # use dynamic path expressions to mutate json, * def filename = zone == 'zone1' ? By now, it should be clear that JsonPath can be very useful for extracting JSON trees out of a given object. The Cucumber JSON format can be also emitted, which gives you plenty of options for generating pretty reports using third-party maven plugins. Provides supports for the Data Driver Testing that is built in-house, hence no need to depend on external frameworks. This can be easily achieved with the following tweak to your maven section. For suppressing sensitive information such as secrets and passwords from the log and reports, see Log Masking and Report Verbosity.
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