14 Dec 2020. Buell, Duncan. A Dec. 17 audit of ballots cast in Antrim County, Michigan, affirmed the outcome of the presidential election there refuting viral claims that the election software used by the county, and elsewhere, had facilitated massive fraud. The "laggards" were Hancock County at 99.95% and Wayne County 99.94%. A claim posted to the Facebook page of Jeremy Herrellsuggests Dominion Voting Systems' fraud capabilities are featured in the user manual for the machines. I've had many posts related to the democrats cheating using illegal ballots, but not so much on the voting/election machines. Fann and Bennett said in a statement on Friday that Bennett "will continue serving as the Senate's Liaison to the audit.". Chicago has a ten-year $22 million deal. End-to-end auditable or end-to-end voter verifiable (E2E) systems are voting systems with stringent integrity properties and strong tamper resistance.E2E systems often employ cryptographic methods to craft receipts that allow voters to verify that their votes were counted as cast, without revealing which candidates were voted for. Remember, this equipment was sold to and used in 28 states for the U.S. elections this year. And then, the FRAUD reversed the true results!!! Authorities in Michigan are investigating how a missing voting machine from the state wound up for sale on eBay last month for $1,200. Dominion Voting Systems has also said the issue with election results reporting in Antrim County was due to user-error.. In a letter to the Fulton County Board of Elections on Tuesday, acting Pennsylvania Secretary of . Q: Is the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to autism or ADHD? The audit is being led by Cyber Ninjas, a firm with no prior experience in official election audits and. How the push by Trump allies to undermine the 2020 results through ballot reviews started quietly in Pennsylvania (Washington Post), Group led by kraken lawyer Sidney Powell hired the firm recounting AZs election to probe a PA election (Arizona Mirror), Pennsylvania Audit Pushback Intensifies As GOP County Refuses To Turn Over Election Materials (Forbes), Counties And States Trump Won Are Rejecting Calls To Launch Their Own Arizona-Style Election Audits (Forbes), Pennsylvania Prepares Arizona-Style Election Audit As Lawmaker Demands Counties Turn Over Voting Equipment (Forbes), A worker passes a Dominion Voting ballot scanner, How the push by Trump allies to undermine the 2020 results through ballot reviews started quietly in Pennsylvania, Group led by kraken lawyer Sidney Powell hired the firm recounting AZs election to probe a PA election, Pennsylvania Audit Pushback Intensifies As GOP County Refuses To Turn Over Election Materials, Counties And States Trump Won Are Rejecting Calls To Launch Their Own Arizona-Style Election Audits, Pennsylvania Prepares Arizona-Style Election Audit As Lawmaker Demands Counties Turn Over Voting Equipment. A hand count of paper ballots in Antrim County, Michigan, has verified the election results there, refuting a forensics report promoted by President Donald Trump that baselessly claimed the election equipment in the county was designed to create systemic fraud and influence election results. Experts said the faulty report showed a misunderstanding of voting system technology. This opened the door for nation-state interference, especially when boxes of pristine ballots with only one name marked could show up in the wee hours of the night after one candidate was in the lead to reclaim another four years in office. Refuse the STEAL!!! Published Nov 20, 2020. One affidavit in another casealleged that a slew of precincts in Michigan were found to have more votes than voters findings repeated by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Maricopa County leased a suite of election equipment from Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems under a three-year, $6.1 million contract. Illinois: Cook County, the second most populous county in the country, signed a $31 million ten-year contract with Dominion in 2018. Dominion Voting Systems, accessed Dec. 24. "IMPORTANT: This is not evidence of fraud. 17 Dec 2020. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors released its response to a May letter from Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D), in which sheexpressed concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet, has been compromised and election officials do not know what was done to the machines while under Cyber Ninjas control., In response, the county told Hobbs it shares your concerns and added that the board acknowledges the secretary of states authority as Arizonas Chief Election Officer to determine what equipment is acceptable for use in Arizonas elections.. In their Dunn & Bradstreet filings, Dominion claimed annual sales of $36.5 million with contracts in 22 states and 600 local jurisdictions. There are other issues with the report, too. Several sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity . Professor of computer science and engineering, University of South Carolina. 18 Dec 2020. The Arizona Senate turned over the voting machines to Cyber Ninjas, the firm contracted to oversee the audit, to determine if any of the equipment had been hacked or manipulated. See how much good that did? It appears from the AOG teams audit, that these algorithms produce such high error rates, it can only mean one thingelection fraud. Declaration of Jonathan Brater. State of Michigan Circuit Court for the 13th Judicial Circuit. More specifically, the error occurred because the county had tochangesome ballots to update some local races such as a missing candidate in Mancelona Township. In past elections, the rejection rates were so low, this was a minor risk, whereas now, it is a major risk and most likely one of the means of exploitation that took place to defraud one candidate out of a massive number of votes that would have been in his favor. Herrell's Facebook posts states batches of votes for Trump could have been discarded using this method. A crime was absolutely committed in how these systems were cleaned up. Even the security logs, prior to 11:30 pm on Nov. 4, 2020, were found missing, meaning security logs for the day prior to the election, on election day and the day after the election were all deleted. According to the boards, the state is providing around $1.7 million for the machines. Its done manually by reviewing the paper ballots. The resulting or coincidental voting irregularities have sowed doubt in the election's integrity "BREAKING! 13 Dec 2020. Trying to figure it out through the forensic audit. Regarding this testing phase for voting machines, the Dominion spokesperson said that prior to elections, machines are tested publicly, a process that is typically observed byrepresentatives from political parties. Published Nov 8, 2020. Hand Count Calculation Sheet | Antrim County. 17 Dec 2020. Dominion, which makes the election equipment used by Maricopa County, also refused to comply with the request, calling it "illegal and unenforceable." Michigan State Police first opened its investigation into potential voting machine breaches in February after the Secretary of State's Office notified it that an unnamed third party was allowed. A: There is currently no strong evidence that acetaminophen use during pregnancy causes autism or ADHD in children. Co-founder and chief technology officer, Open Source Elections Technology Institute. A Michigan judge released an audit of Dominion voting systems. Expert groups continue to recommend use of the drug during pregnancy when necessary and in consultation with a doctor. President Trump WON by a vast majority and this majority needs action, not words! August 4, 2021 / 7:20 AM Maricopa County again refused to turn over its routers, citing possible security risks. Shasta County has become a hotbed for unproven conspiracy theories about rigged voting, fueled by former . Dominion Voting Systems Corporation was founded in 2002 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, by John Poulos and James Hoover. "Oh, and here is the link to their manual," the claim states. Their licences to broadcast should be revoked. @SenSchumer . By the way, both the MI and GA legislatures were aware of these test results in their states BEFORE they certified their votes yesterday. It is possible none of these features were used nefariously. Various rumors alleging voter fraud focused on the Electronic voting company Dominion Voting Systems. There is no credible evidence of widespread election fraud in Pennsylvania or elsewhere, including involving Dominion voting machines. However, public bodies must be transparent, because they spend taxpayer money.). As I previously stated in my interview with The Epoch Times Joshua Phillip, in this regard the biggest problem we are facing when it comes to election fraud is the massive deployment of the Dominion Voting System, which contains proprietary algorithms. As such, these systems are sometimes referred to as receipt . On Thursday, the voting machine company Dominion filed court papers documenting that numerous Fox News personalities knew there was no evidence to support the claims peddled by Trump's allies . Arizonas Maricopa County announced Monday that it plans to replace all of the voting machines that were turned over to the state Senate and other officials overseeing the audit of 2020 presidential election results. He said Dominions software isnt perfect, but that isnt the same as a company creating software to commit fraud. Phone interview. Only time will tell but ultimately the truth does come out, one way or another. The link leads to a May 2019 version of the user guide for the Democracy Suite Image Cast Central, one of five machines manufactured by Dominion Voting. Guy, Sheryl. Competitor Election Systems & Software (ES&S) sued alleging equipment scanning problems and lack of state certification; later, ES&S dropped the case. Punishment I believe was death by hanging..???? Cook County ($5.5 million) and the City of Chicago ($533,018) were the largest payers. Throw in documented Foreign Election Interference. I would like to make sure that we have an election audit in NYS. A cemetery posted a personal ad for a goose whose mate died. Their revenues came from 19 states and 133 local governments including counties, cities, and even a couple of school districts. So, the truth does come out one way or another does it? The largest payer was Alameda ($5.2 million). The terms referenced in the report divert, reversed and override refer to standard, expected responses as the tabulators process the paper ballots, he wrote in his rebuttal. Costs, fees, and payments to Dominion Voting Systems as contracted by the state of Georgia in 2019. Wallach, Dan. Round up the usual suspects. Professor of computer science, Rice University. It is complete disinformation. Dominion was founded in the wake of a different controversy: the failure of punch-card voting machines and their infamous hanging chads in the 2000 election. Refuse the STEAL!!! (Dominion is a private company and, therefore, is not required to disclose financials. Doug Logan, has spread conspiracy theories on the 2020 election in Arizona in now-deleted tweets. Though opposed by Idaho's secretary of state and several county clerks, a bill to limit eligibility for absentee ballots has cleared committee and is on its way to the House. [] The matter came down to the fact that the county clerk accidentally did not update the software used to collect voting machine data, the Michigan Department of State, which oversees the states elections, said in a Nov. 6 statement. Ramslands faulty findings have previously been cited by the Trump campaign. Mastriano has issued requests to York, Tioga and Philadelphia counties asking for them to voluntarily turn over their voting machines and election materialswith other counties potentially to followby July 31, so that a third-party company can examine them as part of a so-called forensic investigation. York and Tioga counties have already said theyre unwilling to cooperate with Mastrianos request because it could result in them being decertified.
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