They later encounter Darkseid's elite member Glorious Godfrey, setting in motion the Robin Rises story arc. The solicitation for Truth and Justice mentions a birthday party for him, but all of that is irrevelant because the story is out of continuity. At that moment, a revived Deathstroke attacks the Titans and Batman with the intent to kill them all. "You fell in love with the Detective that day, of course. Damian is brutal, egotistical, overly confident, selfish, reckless, and spoiled a pain in Batman and the Bat Family's butt. While the Pre-Flashpoint Damian did not meet his mother until he was eight. [66], Batman enters and accesses the Justice League Watchtower to use his unstable exosuit known as the Hellbat armor designed by Batman himself and the Justice League members to engage large scale threats. As they fight, members of the League of Assassins approach the manor with the intention of killing everyone within and bringing Damian back to Ra's alive. [47], When Blackbat, Stephanie Brown's predecessor, returns to Gotham, she and Damian are partnered together during a stake-out to catch the Architect, a new villain obsessed with destroying Gotham landmarks. And Damian was probably alone when he turned 14 in main continuity. Lobdell, Scott (w), Woods, Pete (a), Peteri, Troy (let), Marie Javins, Rob Levin (ed). Grant Morrison's story titled Batman and Son (2006) expands upon the Son of the Demon storyline as part of a remodeling of Batman's personality after the events of Infinite Crisis. [87] At the conclusion of the first arc, both Damian's mother and grandfather arrive to aid him in defeating Ruh and in the aftermath of this arc, he returns to live with them in their palace up until the events of "Shadow War. "[88][89], After observing how happy both his daughter and grandson are while living a peaceful life without killing, the now reformed Ra's al Ghul decides that he wants to turn himself in to the authority to atone for all the crimes he committed as well as publicly share all the secrets he kept hidden over the centuries, this decision has sparked a huge interest in both the superhero community and the villain community due the amount of knowledge the immortal Demon's Head has about the world, so all eyes were on him during a press conference he held before his incarceration. Damian Wayne Was Never Heartless, & Batman's Death Proves It. The two then enter into a grudging truce for the remainder of Damian's appearances in the series. Talia al Ghul to Batman. The two initially did not get along, and the situation was further complicated when Batman and Superman arrived, blaming each other for the conflict. Damian and Alfred race to aid Batman against the Black Glove in a commandeered Batmobile. R. Rachel Webb. On his 13th birthday Damian was sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contained a dead robin. Ours is a love story remember? 3. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman. Batman tries to convince Robin to come home with him, but Damian attacks him, declaring that Wayne Manor is a coffin and that Batman's views are not enough to save Gotham. Tim Drake. That is now proven beyond any doubt. Damian Wayne may have had problems with empathy in his early days as Robin, but now he's one of the best gift-givers in the whole DC Universe. Batman forbade Robin to go crime-fighting for a week while Superboy was forced to do his chores without using his superpowers. In response to this, Talia begins formulating a plan involving Commissioner James Gordon, whom Talia and Damian rescue from a booby-trapped Wayne Manor while in search of Batman, who is insane and has gone missing. You're not a king. They too had chosen targets that they must hunt down in order to ascend to the League. The later storyline, Requiem, deals with the aftermath of Damian's death and Batman's thirst for revenge against Talia as well as his own increasingly unbalanced mental state resulting from this loss. Red Arrow is injured and Deathstroke escapes. He is violent, self-important, and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at a young age, which troubles the relationship with his father who refuses to kill. Ra's to Batman. Joker then presents Damian with Batman in Joker makeup, and states that Damian must kill Batman before Batman kills him. [14] Bruce revealed that he has seen Damian's future, as told through "Batman in Bethlehem". They survive the explosion. Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Damian is a built kid. He carried a pair of brass knuckles, which he incorporated as part of this costume, and would also carry a sword. He was believed dead when he was shot in the head by an assassin named Goatboy. On the way to the cave, Dick's body is possessed by Deadman, at whom Damian lashes out in confusion. Batman and Ra's go in search of the fountain, leaving Tim, Damian, Nightwing, Alfred, and Talia to battle the Sensei. [10], Batman and Robin began working together against Damian's mother Talia al Ghul, revealed as the head of Leviathan. In her grief, she gathered all the members of the League of Assassins and put a hit on Deathstroke as well as all of his associates in revenge for killing her father. Talia and Bruce's son joins the Brotherhood in his father's costume, to destroy it from within.[23]. Upon the start of Batman: Battle for the Cowl, it appears that Damian is now residing in Gotham, and living under the command of Nightwing (to an extent). To avoid the bounty Talia placed on his head, he began using the name Redbird and switched to a new costume. Damian Wayne, born Damian Al Ghul is the only biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul with Damian's parents having been married before his birth around the time of Bruce's training with the League of Shadows however before Damian was born Bruce had departed shortly after while Bruce wasn't aware of Talia's pregnancy while . Ra's to Talia. Batman and Superman construct an underwater base for the Super Sons, which Jon refers to as the "Fortress of Attitude," much to Damian's chagrin. However, Batman told Damian he had to quit crime-fighting altogether. Joker accuses Damian and the other members of Batman's family of being a burden that prevents Batman from being the best foe for Joker. [59], When Batman and Nightwing finally re-confront Heretic, they overpower him, and the clone suffers a brutal beating from both in retaliation for Damian's death. and Batman: Battle for the Cowl, he takes the role of Robin at ten years of age,[21] becoming the fifth person to use the Robin persona. [13] This allowed him to team up with Jason Todd, who was using the Wingman identity. A subsequent conversation between Tim and Alfred implies that Batman has carried out a DNA test on Damian. [67] He then activates the Boom Tube to Darkseid's homeworld, Apokolips, to retrieve Damian's corpse. Damian Wayne succeeds Drake as Robin in the 2009 story arc "Battle for the . And their genetically perfect child We'll found a dynasty that will rule the planet for a thousand years. He's got an above average height, and a good, lean ass - I mean weight. These events cause Hush to escape, causing Damian to grow a further hatred for the criminal. Talia al Ghul Near the end of the comic. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. Trained by the League of Assassins all his life, Damian joined his father's side in the war against crime by becoming the fifth Robin. Following the "Flashpoint" story arc, Bruce Wayne was returned by writers as being the only Batman in 2011's the New 52 relaunch of DC Comics. Deadman later revives the former Boy Wonders. The Kingdom: Son of the Bat shows flashbacks that shed new insights into Ibn al Xu'ffasch's history: that he was reared by Ra's al Ghul to be the heir to his empire, that he eventually murdered his grandfather (cutting off his head to prevent yet another regeneration), and that he sought therapy from psychiatrist Dr. Gibson. It's not often that something takes Batman by surprise. Nevertheless, Grayson would be awarded for redeeming Damian. [45] Robin eventually begins to develop a friendship with Ravager, who initially reaches out to Damian due to their similar upbringings (Ravager's father being the notorious assassin, Deathstroke). [60] But Talia is killed following the duel by Kathy Webb, and it is later revealed that Damian's body was stolen from the Manor cemetery by the League of Assassins along with Talia's for plans against Batman in addition to making their resurrections. Damian Wayne will make his live-action debut in the film The Brave and the Bold, produced by DC Studios.[22]. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "League of Assassins members" category. Working together, Dick and Damian manage to stop Deathstroke. Damian defiantly replies that he hopes to be a worthy one. [68] Batman successfully retrieve his son's corpse as he and his family team return to Earth via the Boom Tube directly to the Batcave after successfully escaping the clutches of Darkseid and his Parademons. Alfred? After defeating Ra's in combat, Batman reclaims Damian's body and threatens his son's maternal grandfather that if he steals his son's body again, he will kill him in retaliation. Posted: Mar 19, 2013 8:10 pm. An adult version of Damian Wayne appears in, Damian Wayne makes his television debut in the, Damian is the current Robin in the adult animated series, A Feudal Japan version of Robin appears in the anime film, Damian Wayne makes a non-speaking appearance in, Damian Wayne makes his final appearance in the, Damian Wayne appears in one of the alternate storylines of the, Damian Wayne appears in the animated film, Damian Wayne will appear as Robin in the live-action, Damian Wayne appears as a summonable character in, Damian Wayne appears as a playable character in, Damian Wayne was supposed to make his debut in the, Damian also appears as a playable character in, This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 20:37. The final issue of 52 (2008) designates the Kingdom Come alternate universe as Earth-22, thus making the Ibn al Xu'ffasch version part of the DC Multiverse. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman. Nightwing explains that Damian encouraged him to have the remaining members of the Titans and Teen Titans work together in spite of the Justice League's disapproval. When Alfred reprimands him, Damian retorts with a backhanded threat. During the fight, Kalibak beats the team nearly to death, when suddenly Damian knocks out Kalibak with a powerful uppercut; discovering that due to the Chaos Shard he has gained superhuman abilities. I had to satisfy myself that you are a worthy successor to me!" [92], Having been trained by the League of Assassins since birth, Damian is already an expert in martial arts and wielding a wide range of weaponry. [52] However, despite Bruce's attempts to build a relationship with his son, Damian remains distant from his father, which Alfred worries about. He does his job as Robin. [30] Damian is saved by Nightwing who ends up being cornered by Black Mask's men until a murderous figure appears stating that he is Batman (later revealed to be Jason Todd). ", "DC Comics & Deathstroke Inc. #8 Spoilers & Review: Why Does Batman Pick a Side He Doesn't Want to in Shadow War Part 3?! Damian then escapes, dons a variant Robin costume made of Jason Todd's old tunic and mask and assorted League of Assassin gear, and fights and kills the villainous Spook. He retains his old black and yellow cape and green domino mask. Happy 13th Birthday, Damian Wayne :) Bunny Cherry. Mara has been made leader of a group known as the Demon's Fist, which was originally supposed to be led by Damian, but became hers when he chose to leave the League. However, the Heretic eventually gains the upper hand and impales Damian through the chest, the sword piercing Damian's heart and resulting in Damian dying almost instantly. Dick suggests changing the hit list password to Cousin Oliver, as Damian has little to no interest in pop culture references and would never guess it. The Robin logo is red with a black R. Joker tells Damian that his and Batman's greatest fear is being responsible for the other's death. The only occupant of the ambulance was the Joker. He is buried next to Bruce Wayne's parents, Damian's paternal grandparents. al Xu'ffasch reappears in Waid's 1999 sequel The Kingdom. Damian (as Robin) is then seen teaming up with Dick and Alfred to begin their own search for Bruce Wayne. Grayson uses the weapon to cryogenically suspend himself and Tim, forcing the Black Lanterns to retreat as they are unable to read any sign of life of them. The two are stopped by Dick Grayson as Batman, who chastises them both for fighting in front of the theater where Batman was born. [6] Robin angrily left the Batcave to work with Nobody, who asked him to execute a criminal. During the battle, Tallant discovers that his grandfather is the one who murdered his father and then cloned him. [deleted] 2 yr. ago Probably his 14 year old birthday. Dick Grayson was returned to his previous role as Nightwing, and Damian still serves as his father's vigilante partner Robin. As Dick and Damian go through various events together, such as against the Black Mask, the Blackest Night, and a rogue Batman clone-corpse, the two bond, even more, prompting Talia to give over control of the monitor to Deathstroke who tries to use it to kill Dick. He is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul,[3][4][5][6] and thus the grandson of Batman villain Ra's al Ghul and the potential inheritor of Wayne Enterprises. How DC's Other Robin Death Broke Batman Worse Than Jason's Murder. In the past year, Damian Wayne has been through a lot - witnessing Alfred Pennyworth's death . Dick Grayson . In League of Batmen (2001), the sequel to Brotherhood of the Bat, Tallant leads his own team of variant Batmen to combat the plague that was al Ghul's legacy. He is raised by his mother Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins. Damian is present when Dick is inducted into the JLA, upon hearing, Damian demands to be inducted along with Dick, but his demands are promptly ignored. References in current continuity have been made to the future of Bruce and Talia's son. As Batman's official heir, Damian has a lot to live up to. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Rot in Purgatory 1.2 Leviathan Damian also leaves a note for the Teen Titans, which contains a set of coordinates leading them into a meeting with Nightwing. For the first Robin, see Dick Grayson. They defeat him and Damian decides to train Jon, but Jon's desire to join the Teen Titans against Damian's wishes creates ongoing conflict between the boys. Damian's second year as Robin begins when he initiates a fight against his predecessor Red Robin. Unfortunately, because of how he was raised, Damian lacks any sort of common sense in regards to social behavior and believes that to be accepted by his father, he must kill any rivals, which included Tim Drake. It differs greatly from most Robin suits. They worked together with Batman Incorporated to take down the League of Assassins' top killers. while at the Tropic of Cancer, Damian's mother, Talia al Ghul, drugged Bruce Wayne and, several months later, Damian was born. -- Damian Wayne (Prime Earth) I'm not like Tim, or Jason, or even Dick. Near the end of the comic book. This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category. Except you want a modern-day, of 95 years of age, to be the local crime fighter. "Tim Drake. After holding a private funeral for the fallen Boy Wonder, Bruce vows to avenge his son's death. After having his own dedicated story arc in 2021, entitled "Demon or Detective",[86] Damian starred in the ongoing "Robin" series written by Joshua Williamson and centered around Damian going on a solo journey to discover the mysterious League of Lazarus through competing in the Lazarus tournament with Ravager, Connor Hawke and Flatline, an apprentice of one of his father's enemies who he develps a romantic relationship with. [9], Though deeply shaken by the killing, Bruce reacted with compassion rather than anger. In Batman-related issues of the New 52 taking place after Batman issue #14 (the Joker's return to comics), Damian was portrayed as being very interested in fighting his father's arch-foe. In the New 52, Damian won the right to learn of his father's identity when he finally bested his mother in combat on his 10th birthday, and this canon age for him seems to be a holdover from Morrison's introduction of Damian Wayne.In 2010's Batgirl Volume 3 #7, Morrison's Damian is fighting alongside Stephanie Brown as Batgirl and he is, of course, being a total brat to her in the field. In another Elseworlds story, Kingdom Come (1996) by Mark Waid and Alex Ross, which functioned as a possible future to the canon of the time, the child of Batman and Talia is named Ibn al Xu'ffasch (Arabic: ), literally "Son of the Bat", and is a member of Lex Luthor's inner circle. Upon entering Wayne Manor, Damian attempts to relay to Tim Drake the fact that Ra's has returned. "Did he do a paternity test on Damian? ", "DC Comics & Robin #14 Spoilers & Review: Fake Deathstroke Unmasked with Ties to Batman in Shadow War Part 7! [3] Damian began showing restraint, which Bruce commended, although Alfred still criticized him for not being supportive enough. March 5th, 2013. Damian Wayne, otherwise known to the world as Robin, the Boy Wonder, was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. A dark king for a new age." [91], This event concludes with Shadow War between The League of Assassins and Deathstroke Inc, which ends with Talia killing Slade in a one-on-one battle, but shortly afterward the Deathstroke imposter reveals himself to be Geo-Force, who plotted this whole war in hope of having both Slade and Talia killing each other. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. After stealing Jason Todd's Robin tunic and mask from his memorial case, Damian's unofficial appearance as Robin was wearing them over his black and white League of Assassins bodysuit with a grayish hood and cape. Not wanting to explain themselves, Robin and Superboy quickly left the area and headed back to Hamilton. ", "WowThx guys!More than 1 of you(Across all my social media) suggested BOYZARRO should be his name.I LOVE IT!The fans", "DC Universe's 'Harley Quinn' Starring Kaley Cuoco Eyes New Perspectives on Familiar Caped Crusaders TCA", "Roll Call: Meet the Cast of Justice League vs. Despite their differences, they played ball with Titus and began to enjoy spending more time together as father and son. As Dick cares little for the financial problems of Wayne Enterprises, despite inheriting it from Bruce along with Tim, Damian decides to involve himself and manages to impress the board of directors. Pets he has owned include. The billionaire vigilante's son who made his official DC Comics debut in Batman #655 in September 2006, despite initially appearing as an infant in 1987's Batman: Son of the Demon was conceived. Their collaboration is hindered by their very different philosophies of battle. This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Batman, and a member of the Batman Family. [71], After the events of Batman: Endgame that resulted in Bruce Wayne's disappearance, Damian, as Robin, sets out on a globe-spanning journey to forge his own destiny and make amends for all of his wrongdoings in his own series, titled Robin: Son of Batman. Dick is probably the most normally built person in the Bat-Fam. [53] Unwilling to kill his father, Damian chooses death, but the Joker kills Batman before he can deal a fatal blow. Seeley, Tim. The century's greatest crimefighter, the daughter of its greatest crimelord. However, Batman explains that the temporary defeat of the League will not stop a larger force to attack later and destroy the city, so he came to the extreme decision that the only solution possible is for Damian to return to his mother, a decision that caused an emotional reaction on Damian like never before. Beginning in Batman Annual #26 ("Head of the Demon"), Talia takes Damian to the Australian Outback, where he is tutored in the secret history of his grandfather Ra's al Ghul. Elaborating his plan in transferring his consciousness into Bruce's. How could you not? Instead, Damian decides to begin killing criminals to invoke true fear in his enemies. Around fifteen minutes into the film. However, Damian's badly injured body requires transplants of harvested organs, which his mother orders her physicians to carry out. [69], However, before the team can celebrate, the Boom Tube used to return to Earth was not closed and Darkseid's son Kalibak arrives and attacks the team. More of a court jester. His tunic is longer and has a yellow trim as well. Damian Wayne spends time reading tweets. After the events of Batman R.I.P. -- Damian Wayne (Prime Earth) This is the second time you've run from me. [90], This incident has deeply hurt both Damian and his mother, Talia, who had to watch her father get murdered even though he finally made the right choice for the first time in his life and was willing to turn a new leaf for his family's sake. Damian is killed battling a brutal enemy, the Heretic (an adult Damian clone) in issue number 8 of the second volume of the Batman, Inc. comic book, which went on sale February 27, 2013. At the height of his anger and frustration, Damian rips the Robin insignia off his chest and gives it to Batman. After defeating Damian's half-aquatic clones with Aquaman, Batman seeks Wonder Woman's help in chasing Ra's to Themyscira. The choices are Tim or Damian. Although Damian eventually kills Nobody in front of Bruce, they are able to work through the incident by beginning to actively understand and respect one another as father and son. After this, Batman uses the Chaos Shard on his son's corpse, which has been infused with Darkseid's Omega Sanction. Damian, who is driving, knocks an ambulance off a bridge without any sign of remorse or even concern. This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. After Bruce's skull was taken from his grave, Damian and Dick decide to bring the rest of his skeleton, along with those of Damian's paternal grandparents, to their base beneath Wayne Tower. [36] After raiding the Army Reserve National Guard Armory, Dick, Damian, and the arriving Tim Drake, are able to save Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, and the surviving police officers at Gotham Central from the reanimated versions of the original Dark Knight's deceased rogues gallery members. [44] Although Wonder Girl objects to this decision, Grayson convinces her to let Damian stay on the team as he needs Damian to learn that he can trust others not to betray him, only for his temper to jeopardize his first mission with the team when he attacks an opponent just after Raven had convinced him to calm down, provoking their new foe into starting his wave of destruction again. During the "Leviathan" story arc, when his mother Talia puts a price on his head and is targeted by the most dangerous and skilled assassins, Bruce faked Damian's death and secluded him in the Batcave to protect him while he goes undercover to confront Talia and her minions. Damian makes a full recovery.[28]. [15] Batman Incorporated fought Leviathan in the streets, while Damian was forced to stay inside. Damian has declared himself a vegetarian. Damian attempts to kill KGBeast, but only succeeds in cutting off his left arm before the Titans intervene and stop him. But wait, didn't that happen just a few weeks ago? Behind cover, the two briefly reminisce about their time together as Batman and Robin before resuming the defense. That I was groomed to be a new body for my grandfather so that he may sidestep death and continue his mission to reduce the swollen population of the Earth." Bruce Wayne was first born on April 7, in his early debuts back in the 1930s.
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