information along with appropriate interpretations for each odu. be found here. Learn how to connect with and propitiate your Ifa. In this 45-minute training, participants will learn: *The purpose and importance of Ose Ifa (Ifa Day) *How to Prepare. Os If builds stamina, develops discipline and reinforces the devotees connection to the spirit world. Starting with the 1st odu top right Baba Ejiogbe, Owonrin woka woka (Name of sage) WHEN IF TELLS YOU TO FEED OR, WHAT DOES IT MEAN? The ancients in nearly every culture used lunar calendars first. Right column second row then left In the "Tratado Enciclopedico de Ifa" refers this odu: The oracle of the coconut (obi) and its five powers. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. FAQs - Ifa Way of Life Ifa advices ebo (sacrifice) to be offered to avoid being a victim or being harmed by dangerous substances such as poison, acid, corrosive chemicals etc. The previously mentioned 16 principle or major odu ifa are considered the pillars of the Ifa corpus. 256 Odu Ifa ~ Ifa Religion - Religion - Nigeria And there is a reason why. 2. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Ifa advises to also propitiate Sango and Ogun according to Ifa prescriptions if and when necessary. Categories of Ose Ose Ifa is divided into three categories: Orun Ifa, Isan Ifa, and Itadogun Ifa. The initiations are not carried out by chance, because each initiation must have an objective in the person's life and these are recommended in our Odu de If, either the Isefa (first If initiation) or the Itelodu (If initiation) , as well as within divination with an Olorisa (a person initiated into an Orisa). Like proverbs, like proverbs, is how Ifa speaks! Stay focused on what you need to do in your life. Akose should always be done on every aspect of life. There are a total of 256 odu that make up the foundation of the Ifa religion. They can be figuratively compared to as the pillars of Ifa from which the remaining 240 minor odu signs derive from resulting in a total of 256 odu that make up the sacred corpus of If. Ose_Day - What is Ose Ifa? Categories of Ose Ose Ifa is - Course Hero Be aware of the things you should not be doing to avoid a possible miscarriage. osa ose odu ifa. This is the. In both Oracles, taking individual responsibility is a paramount pre-requisite for Spiritual development. IFA says, evil does not pay, but doing good and thinking well and speaking out good words attract enormous blessings from OLODUMARE. So, for a hotel project, OS&E includes items such as towels, bed linen, crockery and glassware, irons and . Ose (5) mouths speaking - The Yoruba Religious Concepts - Google The person who wishes to be initiated into Eshu must first acquire knowledge of this Orisa. ii) Oyeku Meji: It is references to the idea that death represents any end of a cycle for example the end of poverty, the end of ill health, the end of confusion, and the end of loneliness. Be sincere and keep your word. In the propitiation of the Orisa Elegbara, also known as Elegua, Epo (palm oil) can never be missing. We will talk more about ese or verses within the odu later in this article. These symbols are grouped together into two sets of 4 symbols side by side. The Odu came with Ire Aiku (Longevity) and ebo is recommended. Ifa and Orisa - Consultations, Initiation, and Spiritual Teaching Thank you and God bless. "Words can only begin to explain the power and presence of Ifa* in my life. In the past year, I've established a formal relationship with Chief Skou Alj as my Olwo* (personal Ifa diviner). Humans are born with a spectrum of potential that cannot be changed. Ifa Divination IV Sacred Odus Obara Group (167-184) - Chegg The traditional Yoruba week has four days. Please listen to this from Irosun Awoye(Irosun Iwori) CONTACT. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. His mother is Woroko and lives behind him. Baba Ojo Ose ni nse ejigbaraleke lode Ofa, Ojo Ose paapaa ni nse Oloworan oba aso ti ntanna yanran yanran yanran, Ojo Ose's mother is it that procures aje(money) in the sea, Ojo Ose's father is it that procures the beautiful beads in the town of Ofa, Ojo Ose, herself procures the beautiful and shinning royal clothes, The new money has taken so long to arrive. In the Afro-Cuban practice of If it is known as Elegua, although its correct name in Yoruba is Elegbara. Finfin ni tigba Additionally we appease Ifa Orunmila every 4 days on our prayer day which we refer to as Ose Ifa. This is not counting the ones that may have been lost in time due to the lack The Merindinlogun is the primary Oracle used by the Orisha. Dont wait until when you fall sick, become broke, or depressed before you start to look within because you might not have the patience to endure by then. Where is August 2017 list? Every odu has 4 sets of 2 markings or digits side by side. in vertical lines and in 0s and 1s below: Ejiogbe Iwori 18th odu ifa sign; one of the 240 minor odu. I will be honest, I didnt know right away how strong it was. Furthermore, both the Ifa Oracle and the more Ancient Egyptian Nile Valley Metu Neter Oracles, African Voodoo (Voudon) and the African Ancestral calling rely on Metaphors as a means of expressing the manifestation of creation. If is probably best known for being a sophisticated and remarkably accurate and effective form of divination, containing within it a system of remedies, but If is much more than merely divination. Tratado De Los Odu De Ifa Cubano Y Tradicional Vol. 72 Ogunda Ose Our ancestors want to see us thriving successfully and want to support us. I am forever grateful and humbled to share any knowledge gained while on my journey. $44.44. He was instructed to open, kola nuts and pray for Ojose regularly. divination ", - Dr. Steven Allwood, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, "Everything has changed for the better since 2011. Always keep your promises. The awo told him that if Ojose was, treated with respect and honor, she would be ideal. Individuals they may have trust in might have Within the spectrum, we can makes choices affecting the way our potential becomes manifest. In this pre-recorded course participants will learn:*The purpose and impo. OSE IFA EXPLICAO | egbeagbonniregunato We will Part II:The second part is a prayer session. paperback. A very crucial aspect of engaging in African spirituality includes ancestor worship. There are various stories about the origin of the 16 major odu. Esu is one of the most important Orishas for traditional Yoruba practice, because there is no initiation without Esu being propitiated. osa ose odu ifa Orunmila is also known as the deity of wisdom that was present during the creation and allocation of destiny for each human being. The babalawo must know which type of Elegbara will be most beneficial to the person. We explain the structure of the Odu and the names and symbols used to describe the Odu. There are multiple methods used to Ose ibe ye ide wa kodide sara undere ebo iba owo iba Iyalode abe. La persona pude tener cambios en la vida desfavorables. Yoruba calendar - Wikipedia They only sent her the animals that they had sacrificed to cook after offering them. divination sessions to the person or community seeking advice and guidance. So one must be engaged in both in order for optimum manifestation of prayers and walking fully in your destiny. Learn about the interpretations of ose odi - Ifa Religion These cookies do not store any personal information. A Babalawo (father of the secrets) is a male person who has been initiated to Ifa. In 2010 Ile Ogundase expanded its network and opened a second temple in New York City. responsibility of documenting the sacred ese in an effort to conserve the Babalawo or Iyanifa, make sure you are working with an experienced Ifa priest or priestess. In recent history, Ifa priests have taken on the throughout time. On the other hand, this Odu also advises Ifa keeps us in alignment and on our path. From the very first conversation, I just knew that feeling that I was feeling from a child was actually the voice and comfort of Ifa*. As you can see by the photo, our soap is not like any other. Culminating with an insightful lecture about Ifa and Orisa. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They. Oturupon Meji reveals how the faculty of intelligence came to the world. LET'S CONNECT: One must be aware of the blood and cotangents that could infect the blood . OSE IFA: sabido por todos, que no momento de nosssa iniciaao em ifa, apurado um Odu, e logo, esse Odu possui um grande nmero de Eses que se refletem diretamente em nosso destino, de maneira positiva e negativa. This ire will come from a place away from your home. system known by many for its reliability. Each of the four cardinal points North, South, East and West embodies a transformative principle of, One of our most significant assets for keeping sustained spiritual alertness is through hearing and telling the sacred stories of Odu Ifa. Facebook: Efe Mena Aletor 2nd Oyekun, 3rd Iwori, 4th Odi, 5th Adifa fun Orunmila ti nlo re gbe Ojo Ose niyawo In an effort to remember we receive guidance from Ifa Orunmila through a two step process; spiritual consultation( Ifa Dida) and prayer (Ebo) with a trained Babalawo. At the end of this course, you will have covered the following: Understanding Ifa fundamentals as a priest. Message from S S. It is through the Ifa divination processes that the odu currently shaping our lives is revealed to us. a few of the actual symbols and names of the odu ifa signs which may provide more Geography, psychology, sociologyeverything. Learn more about Odu Ifa The head is where memories are stored, so by protecting the head, Osun preserves the past. In conjunction with staying on your path through the guidance of Ifa it is also important to recognize the Orisa. 2022IF Psychology RC: 1699103. Chief Alj is an initiated priest in several systems including Ifa, Osun,Ayan and Aa. ability to defend the person this Odu was marked for is advised. This Odu says: (speaking of the maternal spirit as essential to one's overall development. Ifa hears our prayers and gives us messages on those days as well so that even on a weekly basis we remain on track and know what to work on. If divination allows the information of Odu If to be revealed during the The ese or If prayers are recited by a Message from S S. - IF Psychology Let all those in the world gather to help me, through my difficulties, to defeat my enemies. the If Oluwo Philip John Neimark. Ire comes from accessing Oguns Ase, which is the Ase of the courage to take responsibilities for all of your problems and the willingness to face them head on. To accomplish this, Obatala was, told to select on of the four days of the week to honor Ojose. An Odu that has identical symbols on the (right side) Oyekun (left side) or Ogbe Oyeku One of the 240 minor odu. Literally. Happy Ose Ifa. There Today is Ose ( Ifa worship day) An integral part of the Odu If Ifa Oracle: The 16 Odu Ifa & Their Meaning - Ifa advises that we should always have kola nuts, wine and other edible items at home for entertainment of visitors. The possibilities are endless. Please share this article with someone you know. vii) Obara Meji: Obara is the Odu that incarnates humility in the struggle with arrogance. Ifa says there's too many scammers among religious leaders, royalty, and politicians. One set involves the use of single and double vertical lines and the other set of symbols involves the use of 0s and 1s. It can also be described as the combinations of materials used to manipulate a situation. Ose odi odu ifa talks about genital diseases. universe and of this world. I'm still learning and I'm content with my pace, because that is what Ifa* says it should be. People consult Ifa for divine intervention and spiritual guidance. Irosun Meji is the stable and inflexible reality of what has come before us. We must remember that in the practice of Traditional If there is no . We also go into what is ese Ifa, the verses contained within the Odu as well as provide an example of an ese (verse) from one of the Odu. The Yoruba people have preserved the oral scriptures of Odu If throughout time. Prayer - African Traditional Religions: Ifa - LibGuides at Atla Ose Meji Temple Odun | Ose Meji Temple Learn step-by-step procedures, Ifa chants, prayer postures, offerings, worship schedule and preparation steps for mastering Os. The r*, the primordial forces of nature, continue to assist me in achieving my destiny and life's purpose. Esu Iya is the one who fights against our enemies. Esu Ogo is also used to acquire luck and also health. Start NOW! Read more about Babalawo powers here and Iyanifa Ifa priestess here. Ancestors worship is the foundation of ones practice. . Ifa and Orisa Workshop lead By Chief Sekou Alj. Ose Ifa is like Thanksgiving. By the irunmole ( cosmic divine primordial forces) . Properly appeasing Esu and having trust in his Ifa Divination IV Sacred Odus Meji Group (1-16) - Chegg Learn what are Akunleyan, Akunlegba, and . The sacred oral scriptures of Odu If corpus are structured into a total of 256 signs. Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche (2018) believes that "we all breathe misogyny." Aron (2019) evaluated misogyny as societal inequity. I cannot recommend him highly enough! vi) Owonrin Meji: Owonrin means brought by the hands. Its also important to note that spiritual energy within water and fire and wind are not separate from yourself; you have these energies within you and can call on that at any given time. Interpretations here. paperback. Have confidence in yourself. Osa Ure habla que Dios favorece a aquellos que hablan la verdad. Orun: 5th worship, usually observed at home. communicates with the universe to obtain information and answers that help us ikin ifa divination here. *How to Complete the Ritual. Ifa also advices men that are planning and trying to have children to take care of their reproductive organs. Esu is one of the most important Orisa for traditional Yoruba practice, because there is no initiation without Esu being propitiated.